Name You Top 3 Champs You Want To See Get a Re-work, Tune Up, or Overhaul!

Mine would be.
Black Widow DO- I have her and I took her to 5/65 solely based on enjoyment and I wanted a MCU version for a long time but let's face it if the opponent can't be shocked she's not worth much.
Rogue- Big fan of her power and life steal because of her life steal I've pulled off some insane comebacks but the timer after stealing a buff is too short and her damage is a little lack luster.
Moon Knight- Yeah we can argue that he can now stack bleeds but there's not really much utility in his kit and the bleed damage isn't too good.
What are y'alls top 3 I'd love to see it!
Black Widow DO- I have her and I took her to 5/65 solely based on enjoyment and I wanted a MCU version for a long time but let's face it if the opponent can't be shocked she's not worth much.
Rogue- Big fan of her power and life steal because of her life steal I've pulled off some insane comebacks but the timer after stealing a buff is too short and her damage is a little lack luster.
Moon Knight- Yeah we can argue that he can now stack bleeds but there's not really much utility in his kit and the bleed damage isn't too good.
What are y'alls top 3 I'd love to see it!
Agent Venom, BPCW, and Groot.
The Hood kind?
No one? 😬
Iron fist
Jane foster
Agent venom
Red skull
Rocket Racoon
3) Agent Venom
All with @Masterpuff ’s caveat, of course.
Dr. Zola
Agent Venom
OG/Superior Ironman
then again so did good and look how that turned out
Diablo: his design is very terrible and he needs an update minimum
Sentry: cool character in comics but nothing of that is reflected in the game so I'd like to see the actual power of a million suns
Loki or Hawkeye for update - Loki needs increases in duration/potency of already existing abilites as well as a bit more utility and a way to ramp up damage. Hawkeye already has fair damage and utility but if his abitlites could be changed to add more control and more options, it would make him awesome to use.
SIM or Miles for overhaul - Miles is such a cool character and I was happy to hear he's on the list. Invis and other abilities surrounding shock and petrify could be added make him look cooler and have more utility and damage.
SIM has a cool model, but has OG IM's abilities pasted into his model. He needs new abilites to reflect his cosmic class, new fresh animations to separate him from OG IM, and the Villain Tag because he's a villain in the comics, not a hero like it currently says in the game.
Iron Fist
Strange, Dormammu, and Mephisto. All 3 are OGs of extreme power in the comics, but in mcoc... It'd be different if they were trophy champs, but they're not.
Didn't mean to choose the same class, but the Mystic class is pretty bad at doing its job without having pillow hands anyways. Only a select few can do good damage and still deal with existing buffs. Really only Claire (and maybe max sig LS/SW?) If you run suicides.
Dr. Zola
So, he is by far my #1 Overhaul. He should get almost what Mags got.
Dorm needs value. If he had damage, he'd be set.
And Cyclops.... he deserves CAIW value. He's a leader.
(Maybe both of their 6*s are duped.)
2. Agent Venom - update
3. Task Master - update or rework
All of my chosen champs are skill not only bc these are some of my favorite marvel characters (agent venom being my favorite) but also because the skill class is the weakest class to play rn, the only really good skills are Falcon, Mole God, Nick Fury and Aegon, and maybe elsa in fith place (though she is my favorite of the bunch to play) every other class decimates skill and these 3 champs are just a small tweak or update away from at least being viable
Oh wow, that feels so dirty. I have hope that they'd fix/buff ImHulk first and make him God-tier, but Joe is so low that he's far easier to buff.
Oh, oh no. I hear the screams of XHulk fans out there. I'm not Seatin, peeps. I only have one God-tier, and it's the absolute peak.