Nigelthornberry ★★★
Guantlet return?
So as I remember, kabam said that guantlet will return every 3 months for people who didn't do it, and while we're waiting to see I'd like to see if it's true or not before starting my potion grind f… (View Post)1 -
Re: I hate to say this, but SoP’s Rewards to Difficulty ratio is way too high
i admire the use of stupidly long comments to sound smart, but this point makes no sense and this comment is redundant (View Post)11 -
Sym supreme most op mystic
Here are reasons to why sym sup is the best Mystic: Damage; his damage is one of the best, he could easily solo abyss VTD which as a 5.7 million health fight Utility; this right here is the bread and… (View Post)5 -
Re: Elsa isn’t a top 20 skill champ
Fr I can name like 10 skill champs who can do those (View Post)1 -
Re: Elsa isn’t a top 20 skill champ
Omg she can counter 3 things how broken 🤯 (View Post)2