Onmix ★★★
Re: Who do you constantly pull that needs a BUFF?!? [edited by Mod]
Sentry. I’ve actually pulled him so many times I decided to make him my prestige champ. I even got him 2 or 3 times in nexus (View Post)8 -
Re: Section 2 AQ map 7 links are now worse....
Finished my path last night and waaaay after the others. I woke up today and we just had the boss left. The best it’s ever been. People aren’t holding others up. It’s beautiful. (View Post)1 -
Re: As of right now who are your most wanted 5* champions?
Hyperion. I just don’t understand how I still don’t have him (View Post)2 -
Re: Void
He’s pretty good imo because of his way of dealing damage and utility. Every unique debuff on the opponent degen them a certain amount. Void can inflict up to three unique debuffs via SP1 and another… (View Post)5 -
Re: Falcon Buff Garbage
I agree. I think the buff IS a good one. And he will be used for those matchups. Until a better choice comes along. The comment Miike made was that he does very well. I think he does good enough. You… (View Post)2