Panboh ★
Excessive amounts of crystals.
What to do with a crystals that we can`t really use anymore? 5k+ arena boosts 3k+ 4* sig stones 2.5k t3c etc.... Will there be some sort of conversion like t5ccs crystals? Or Quest crystals? Got abou… (View Post)11 -
Re: Deadpool Oversaturated Solo Event Analysis
Well it was half over when I realised I can use other "pool" champs. I'm always among top 400 featured grinders and was sure that 300+ will be enough for top 1000. (Did 304 and got him) You… (View Post)2 -
Re: Level Up Event Missing? [MERGED THREADS]
Are we going to get an update on this? @"Kabam Miike" @"Kabam Zibiit" @"Kabam Porthos" (View Post)4 -
Re: Cheater tag
You mean like, "oh you had a hard time and paid a merc to complete abyss so you get your rewards, but now, you are a completly different person"? What about the 29 others in Ally who worked… (View Post)2 -
Re: 4* Basic Arena Efficient Grind (for arena grinders out there)
Got 99% of 4* at r3 or above, using r4 to get to 3x multi and then just r5. Hit around 250k in single run 3-4x/day in about 30min. 23 maxed 4* atm Focusing mostly on 4* featured, which consumes a lot… (View Post)1