PandamanTan ★
Re: Vote if you want to see beta ray bill added into the contest
There are already so many iron mans and spidermans, it would only be the 4th thor. (View Post)1 -
Guillotine ROL
So I'm one of those noobs who hasn't done ROL yet. Could a 4/40 3* unduped take out Wolverine? I have the Gamora synergy. The rest of my team is 4* 5/50 sig 99 SL, 4* 5/50 sig40 X-23, 4* 4/40 sig40 S… (View Post)2 -
Re: Wolverine (X-23) is my choice
As an X-23 lover (she was my first 5/50), I would say that X-23 was a great choice. As a general player, I would say that your other options are probably better. Magik would be a great option too. Hy… (View Post)4 -
Re: 5* Iron Fist or 5* Mordo
Thanks! (View Post)1 -
Re: Best COC Youtuber
Brian Grant is definitely the best. He's knowledgeable and very funny. Lagacy is probably second and Dork Lessons 3rd. (View Post)1