PsyLife ★★
What is your dream team,
As 6 star rank 5/65. Doesn’t even have to be available as a six star. Mine: Venom Venom the duck Spider Gwen Symbiote Supreme Stark Enhanced Spiderman (View Post)8 -
Re: best champ that came out in 2020 (so far)
He may not be the best, but I love his play style and looks. (View Post)1 -
What “god tier” champions do you not like, and why?
For me, it’s Doom. Call me a Doom-hater, disagree all you want, but I hate the look, and I hate the idea of such a special based rotation. (View Post)5 -
Re: What “god tier” champions do you not like, and why?
bUt CorvUs iS a gOD. YoU sHoUld Be aSHameD of yOUrsElf. (View Post)44 -
Re: Quit Hitting Yourself!
Morningstar vs Morningstar Torch vs Torch (View Post)3