Raichu626 ★★★★
Re: Seriously kabam. Really dissappointed.
I don't know if you're being sarcastic here or not, but in case you aren't: watch GotG (1 or 2), or read Scott Pilgrim or anything like that. There are thoughtful stories out there that also manage t… (View Post)2 -
Re: whose shoes
Oof, let's see (View Post)3 -
Re: Moon Knight rework suggestion
Thank you ^^ It probably got lost among the other stuff, so just to make sure: Steven and Jake both have their own pretty powerful purify mechanics. It's just Marc who can't purify in this concept (a… (View Post)1 -
Moon Knight rework suggestion
Personalities* Three of the personalities living in Moon Knight's body can take control during the fight: Marc Spector, Steven Grant and Jake Lockley. Each personality has different effects and chang… (View Post)2 -
Re: May buffs
Some time ago they announced buffs for psycho man, gamora, storm and DPX. We got Gamora and Psychoman was looked at and left as-was. So I'd assume either storm or Deadpool are next (View Post)13