Ripper4566789 ★
Re: Missing gold after opening uncollected gold crystals
That's just it the totals are not being added. I've reset several times totals don't add up correct (View Post)1 -
Re: AQ Timeout
I had to waste 3 revives in todays AQ to drop mini boss and main boss because of this change. Let me tell you that was not fun at all?!?! Waiting a few mins is alot more fun then wasting resources on… (View Post)3 -
Re: AQ Timeout
Been playing this game since the beginning seen several things over the years that start out as bugs that later became real. Back in the day there was key champs that every AQ cycle wouldn't function… (View Post)15 -
Re: AQ Timeout
Ya always just a "bug" with kabam. Never a nerf at important time in game like AQ or the start of aw season ;) (View Post)6 -
Re: AQ Timeout
Ya just happened to me in AQ cost me 2 revives. Silent nerf rip corvus.kabam changes rules to there favor to often. (View Post)8