AQ Timeout



  • Champ123Champ123 Member Posts: 27

    Put said:

    Can Kabam share some clarity regarding timeout please. What is really meant to happen during a timeout, if a champ any champ timeout 2-100% HP and 1% HP. Regardless if the timeout occurs naturally or paused. what is the intended outcome? is it loss of 50% HP or KO? if the champ has 100 Health and timeout, what is the intended outcome.

    Well technically no, it's not intended. In other content aside from AW and AQ, a timeout equals KO. You have to reach back to how it came to be this way currently.

    You used to be able to force close and not lose health in AW and AQ. To combat that, they changed it to where if you time out or force close you lose half health. At some point you just won't have any health and eventually die.

    With Corvus, he won't ever go below 1 HP because when you reenter the fight, you'll always be back at 20 or.30 charges depending on missions and who you are fighting. It's been this way since he was released.

    So in reality, no you shouldn't be able to do it with him. Thank all the force closers that made them change it back in the day to where we are now.
    Uh, where else are there timeouts besides AW and AQ? Quest fights aren't timed
    I was strictly talking about force closing which used to happen in AW and AQ before the half health thing happened. Most times if you force close everywhere else you KO. I know quests aren't timed.
    Uhh when was the last time you timed out? In solo content you get 1 free fight rejoin (per hr/quest or something) then half hp per force quit unless you start the fight with like 2%
  • PizzabeatPizzabeat Member Posts: 239 ★★
    Just change it back to the way it was and leave it alone for the love of Odin
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  • MostWantedMostWanted Member Posts: 351 ★★
    edited May 2020
    I will accept to get KO after a timeout with 1% after watching developers clearing room 25 in incursions without this bug (and only using 5 items per room)
  • DemonzfyreDemonzfyre Member Posts: 22,811 ★★★★★
    Champ123 said:

    Put said:

    Can Kabam share some clarity regarding timeout please. What is really meant to happen during a timeout, if a champ any champ timeout 2-100% HP and 1% HP. Regardless if the timeout occurs naturally or paused. what is the intended outcome? is it loss of 50% HP or KO? if the champ has 100 Health and timeout, what is the intended outcome.

    Well technically no, it's not intended. In other content aside from AW and AQ, a timeout equals KO. You have to reach back to how it came to be this way currently.

    You used to be able to force close and not lose health in AW and AQ. To combat that, they changed it to where if you time out or force close you lose half health. At some point you just won't have any health and eventually die.

    With Corvus, he won't ever go below 1 HP because when you reenter the fight, you'll always be back at 20 or.30 charges depending on missions and who you are fighting. It's been this way since he was released.

    So in reality, no you shouldn't be able to do it with him. Thank all the force closers that made them change it back in the day to where we are now.
    Uh, where else are there timeouts besides AW and AQ? Quest fights aren't timed
    I was strictly talking about force closing which used to happen in AW and AQ before the half health thing happened. Most times if you force close everywhere else you KO. I know quests aren't timed.
    Uhh when was the last time you timed out? In solo content you get 1 free fight rejoin (per hr/quest or something) then half hp per force quit unless you start the fight with like 2%
    Years and years.
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  • SeraphionSeraphion Member Posts: 1,496 ★★★★
    DarthPhal said:

    DarthPhal said:

    Jesus you all are over reacting.

    If you are not, it is because you have no idea what has happened

    Jesus you all are over reacting.

    If you are not, it is because you have no idea what has happened
    Well I don't use the timeout method and I play both map 6 and 7 and I use corvus as my primary attacker.

    I'm saying you are over reacting by calling it a silent nerf and saying Kabam is doing it on purpose to get more money blah, blah, blah. Report it, submit a support ticket but stop acting like they are changing the game in the middle of an AQ cycle which wouldn't happen.
    If you play the game long enough, then you should know this is exactly the process of nerf. Try it w/o notification, if you don't shout, they just leave it there.

    Kabam really like players like you, suck everything they give.
    I've played since 1 week after release and what you said complete BS. You clearly have zero clue how bugs work. Please name 1 time where what you said happens?
    I seriously suspect, if you remember what happened in 12.0, then you should know making a big noise is the only way to make them fix the issue, submitting a ticket is useless ****.
    12.0 was not a silent nerf or a bug allowed to remain in the game. That’s your example? It was a major announcement.
    so what? They rollbacked back most changes and apologized, we won.
    You offered it as evidence of your claim that nerfs are insidiously planted in the hopes that they’d go unnoticed. 🤷‍♂️
    You are right. This isnt happening. They break the game and dont know why later. And if it is too hard work to fix they keep it.

    See the whole "Backdraft and AI throwing Specials while you hit their block" thing.

    They silently nerfed domino as well. She did a lot more damage than (I think it was) ~ 1 year ago.

    They are def not the evil mastermind that trys to nerf things in the "middle of the night"
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  • Drillh3adDrillh3ad Member Posts: 38
    Look, everyone knows it’s about Corvus. If you’ve spent any real time playing M6/7 with him you’ve done it or lied about not doing it. It’s one of those unintended consequences in the players favor. Quite frankly I’m only shocked at how long it’s taken for Kabam to act on. With that said, K.Oing a champ because of a time out is definitely not the way to go. It would be 12.0 all over again and NO ONE wants that. There is a much simpler solution. Either lengthen the fight time considerably or do away with the timer completely. People aren’t using Corvus on M6/7 because of this trick they are using him because of the ridiculous health pools and only 3 minutes to deplete them. Heaven help you if you get the “stick on AON” Ai. You spend half the fight baiting specials. Kabam, If you take away only one thing from this I hope it’s that not all solutions have to come at the players expense.
  • SeraphionSeraphion Member Posts: 1,496 ★★★★
    Pulyaman said:

    I have personally never used that method of timing out in aq, but isn't that an exploit?. I think it was meant for times when you would lose network. I don't know exactly, so if someone could educate me in this, it will be helpful

    I mean when you do it in AQ its just -50% of your current HP.

    But in War its -50% + it counts as Death.

    Some ppl where def using it to cheese some hard fights with timeouts and corvus. I bet they tried to fix it and broke the whole thing.
    Like it always happens...
  • SeraphionSeraphion Member Posts: 1,496 ★★★★
    Cayko said:

    Hahaha some people here admitting to exploit 😂😂
    The function is a fail safe to network/app crashes and certainly not to regain corvus charges at no effort. If that doesn't go without saying I lose all hope of mankind.
    Y'all should be happy if Kabam doesn't flail the ban hammer at you

    Depends. Im not using this tactic myself but I dont think this is a wrong thing to do.

    You still do fights as intented. If you play them super slow to timeout or just pause to timeout. You are just using what the game gives you.

    If they want to fix that "trick" just make champs with 1 hp after a timeout die. Not that hard. No need to break the whole thing.
  • GamerGamer Member Posts: 11,522 ★★★★★
    tafre said:

    Hey guys,

    I just want to reiterate: We don't want to fix this until players don't have a reason to rely on this method. We know there are reasons that players do it, and we want to address those first.

    We don't want you to think that your only way to beat something is pausing and sitting still for a few minutes. That's not fun, and leads to more frustration, but that's a method that many people think is the only viable option for them right now. We want to change that first, so that you don't feel like you need to play this way.

    Can you tell me which aspect of something being done repetitively every week without any changes can actually be fun? AQ has never been something fun, it is like a chore you have to do to get something in return but you do not require to do it. If somebody says that they want you to mow the lawn and they will give you money afterwards you can opt to do it but it is not something fun, you do it for the money. AQ is not fun, I do it for the t5b. Not the perfect analogy but I think people will get what I am trying to say. There is nothing fun about doing the exact same things every single week, it is and has always been a chore you do to get resources.
    Why du u play the game if u don’t do it for fun I’m fx like AQ more then AW atm I’m get your point but if u don’t play the game for fun I’m wil like to ikow how op in the end game u is
  • Ripper4566789Ripper4566789 Member Posts: 44

    Hey guys,

    I just want to reiterate: We don't want to fix this until players don't have a reason to rely on this method. We know there are reasons that players do it, and we want to address those first.

    We don't want you to think that your only way to beat something is pausing and sitting still for a few minutes. That's not fun, and leads to more frustration, but that's a method that many people think is the only viable option for them right now. We want to change that first, so that you don't feel like you need to play this way.

    I had to waste 3 revives in todays AQ to drop mini boss and main boss because of this change. Let me tell you that was not fun at all?!?! Waiting a few mins is alot more fun then wasting resources on some of these ridiculous node combinations you guys create and some are way out there.
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