SammyDe ★★★
Re: complete catalyst warehouse
BG store have 10 25% T6CC crystals (cost 15k tokens total) and 5 25% T6CC selectors (12k total) for Valiants. That’s 3.75 T6CC each week and 7.5 in the next 24 hours with the store reset. Hope you ca… (View Post)1 -
Re: Who is the best 7 star skill champion?
Shang Chi? I am not biased ;) (View Post)15 -
Re: Merry Christmas everyone!!!!!
Merry Christmas guys, just got back from holiday and so happy to sleep in my own bed! Wish everyone have a great time with amazing pulls. (View Post)10 -
Re: Deathless Thanos worth 15k units?
Depends on how difficult the fights are in necropolis half paths for those carina challenges. I don’t like long form content and would rather buy that piece to save me from the pain of the revive fes… (View Post)1 -
Re: Rate the cyber event
Between my main and mini, I opened 40 valiant nexuses for 3 7* and 5 6* nexuses. Got Enchantress from the Titan nexus for an instant rank 3 (jackpot!). Haven’t spend $$$ yet but 26k and 21k units res… (View Post)2