SmallTimeANT ★
Re: Question about Valkyrie.....
I never understood how people says she bypass unstoppable wit 11 hits (at max sig) like it’s the best unstoppable counter while Shang chi literals only needs a double medium? 2 hits is less than 11 I… (View Post)2 -
Re: Is Aegon still worth awakening?
Nooooo you have nick right there. Even if you had 200 signs to pour into aegon, I would still use it on nick before him because he’s useful in just about every piece of content rn. I wouldn’t use an … (View Post)2 -
Next R3, but they’re all solid options!
I’ll eventually take them all to r3 but I want to prioritize two for rn so which two? (View Post)0 -
Re: Who's "YOUR" Champ
Ghost. I absolutely love her playstyle and her utility amazes me every time I use her. Kabam must’ve been on one when they made her lol (View Post)2 -
How good is duped aegon for act 6?
I understand that It’s popular belief that he only shines in LOL and ROL but I was wondering how useful would he be in act 6 and beyond? (View Post)0