SonOfArgu16 Guardian
Re: LOL! Well played Kabam! :-D
Loved Sandman's Monologue in 3.1 (View Post)4 -
Re: Why won’t she die?
So if I'm getting you correctly, you're wondering why is Gwen immune to death from specials while Corvus immortal while having charges? I think the difference lies in the fact that is not immortal at… (View Post)1 -
Re: How do you feel about relics?
I'm on the fence regarding the usefulness of the relics. Sometimes they're good, sometimes they're bad. My biggest issue is the Winter Soldier Relic that inflicts an Energy Vulnerability Debuff, desp… (View Post)4 -
Re: Incursion objectives clarification...
If memory serves me correct, the #Blessed requires you to do 54 fights using the listed tags twice totalling 108 fights and these objectives last for the whole month. The #Outclassed objectives lasti… (View Post)1 -
Re: Reworked Champs
I use her too now, got her 6* twice in a row but never noticed the difference in her kit. Great for this season's BG with her Passive Stun and her Dark Dimension effect (View Post)1