Sparx265 ★
Re: Why the banquet rewards are mid
Nah that’s so real it’s an easy decision (View Post)1 -
Re: Which champ do you enjoy and is fun to play but is not like meta tier?
I am a huge fan of guillotine. She was one of my first three stars and I just love the feel of her animations. Luckily Guillotine 2099 has a similar feel and she is actually viable, so I can still ha… (View Post)2 -
In my opinion, overall tech is the worst class. However, I feel that as long as Ghost exists; tech will never be the worst class in terms of top champs. (View Post)4 -
Re: Not much of a feat anymore, but....
Nice job dude! I just recently finished 6.2 and 6.3 and am now on 6.4. Sym Supreme was my total MVP for that fight as well, people say he's losing value but I still think he is amazing. 6.3 is honest… (View Post)1 -
Re: At 6.2.6. Looking for general information and advice.
6.2.6 Champion was actually one of my favorite bosses. He is relatively easy once you get the rhythm of the fight down. Take the middle path of course, because then you will take out all of the linke… (View Post)2