Supermanafficinado ★
Re: Act 4 Chapter 4 - Elektra
Maxed out limber will reduce the Stun duration to managable level against mesmerize. (View Post)1 -
Re: How should i feel for my 3rd 5 STAR
He is annoyingly good. Parry and heavy to see enemies melt. Also 3 five stars already at level 35. You are playing a lot of arena aren't you? (View Post)1 -
Re: Post your top!
You must have mad skill to be able to stay in a gold 3 alli with that roster. (View Post)8 -
Re: Need Some Tips for Sabretooth
He is a beast for questing. (View Post)1 -
Re: Should i Rank up my Dr Voodoo (Unduped) or wait ...
I think you should wait. If you play regularly, your next god tier champ is not very far away. Patience is a great virtue in this game and resource management is a crucial part in it. (View Post)2