TheEducation ★
Re: Elegy - The End of Act 7 was just the Start...
Huh? (View Post)9 -
This is the very important problem? I was assuming it'd be the game crashes when applying sig stones, sig stones cause lag in gameplay, sig stones prevent sp3s from doing damage, sig stones broke AW,… (View Post)1 -
AQ links moved closer to the beginning of paths
While I'd love to see the links removed all together in AQ I think it would be a huge QoL improvement if links in AQ were moved closer to the beginning of paths. I run map5 and mainly referring to th… (View Post)2 -
Re: My Apologies
So you're saying if I just root for some rain and it rains when the word parry flashes on my fighter when I do a well timed block I'll actually stun the opponent? If so, let's go rain. If not, huh??? (View Post)6 -
My Apologies
I was, apparently, unaffected by this parry bug before this last update and honestly I thought it had to be overblown. Well, I have it now, and I apologize to everyone who has been dealing with it fo… (View Post)20