TheExit27 ★★★
Re: Prof Hoff's Family
I was going to read all the comments before commenting, but I had to address this issue specifically. I am one of his mods. Prof is a friend who is suddenly dealing/living with being bipolar. This di… (View Post)32 -
Re: New event ui is awful
I agree 100%. I love this game, but it's getting so much harder to play because of bugs, lagging, frame-rate issues, inputs issues and now the ever evolving AI. (View Post)2 -
Re: New event ui is awful
Well said (View Post)1 -
Re: If you could make one minor change to a champ, what would it be?
Rogue's special 1 would copy ALL defender buffs and last 3 seconds longer. Her special 2 would also crush. Her special 3 would stack 20 second furies. (View Post)4 -
Re: State of Game is ridiculous
What else can OP do really besides send support tickets and wait for the issues he's having to be resolved? He goes on the forums, reverberates the things going wrong, and gets smacked with "dis… (View Post)21