TheExit27 ★★★
Re: Prof Hoff's Family
Yeah, Prof Hoff (Shane) isn't doing well. He doesn't want help and doesn't think he needs help. He's surrounded himself (online) with bad people who enjoy his manic decline. He's rejected family, fri… (View Post)6 -
Re: Prof Hoff's Family
I was going to read all the comments before commenting, but I had to address this issue specifically. I am one of his mods. Prof is a friend who is suddenly dealing/living with being bipolar. This di… (View Post)32 -
Re: Summoners choice vote
Did you really expect it to be correct in either the in-game mail or on Instagram? LOL This won't be the first time. *cough* Black Widow Clairvoyant (View Post)1 -
Re: War Season
Thank you very much @Rayven5220 & @MrSakuragi (View Post)2 -
Re: If you could make one minor change to a champ, what would it be?
Rogue's special 1 would copy ALL defender buffs and last 3 seconds longer. Her special 2 would also crush. Her special 3 would stack 20 second furies. (View Post)4