TheMailmann ★★
nothing fishy about it. if he has all the 4 abyss horsemen or good substitutes, abyss completion isn’t that difficult tbh. it’s just a long grind, plus needing a bunch of units you can grind from are… (View Post)2 -
Re: Why is it soo hard to get iso and refills??
I used to have a big problem with ISOs but now not so much anymore. It’s all about saving your shards; especially 4-star shards. Even premium crystals and 5-star shards too. I started doing lower dif… (View Post)1 -
Re: Variant 7 rewards. Would you rather...
there are other ways to get 5% or 10% t5cc, event quest, monthly objective, side quest (occasionally) and glory store which you can get every month. 25% t5cc is rare, especially if you’ve done most c… (View Post)1 -
Re: What Catalyst do you have a shortage of?
i keep pulling bad champs so I always have overflow catalysts; t5b and t2a included (View Post)1 -
Re: Do you guys think Act 6 is worth the exploration this character awaken ability?
an alliance mate has an R3 Aegon and he regretted it because he already has an R5 max sig Aegon. there have been so many players who were able to fully explore Abyss with just a 5 star. you won’t be … (View Post)2