The_One ★★★★
Re: Ægon worth a gem?
Have you seen COWs game play video? He takes down LoL Abomination in 459 hits, poison doesn't effect him and he was hitting through the block every time. I'd use the gem (View Post)1 -
AQ map 5
Which of these maps is right? One shows a poison node in path 5 and one shows power gain. I just did it with cap IW (not awakened) and took no damage from poison. (View Post)1 -
Re: So many changes but something is missing.
Or the % in the health bar. That wasn't always there but was a welcome addition (View Post)3 -
Re: Anybody now about offerts from dan Valentine??
What offer? (View Post)1 -
Re: What do you do with loyalty ?
Donate, buy crystal but don't open them. Already have 4/5* UC I don't do war so no need for alliance revives etc. Maxed out on boosts so no need for those. Not really sure what to do with it all. (View Post)1