Vivek_786 ★
Re: 10% T5CC Dilemma
It makes 5* champions a joke !! Daily high chance to have a 5 * champion is anyday better.. (View Post)4 -
Re: 10% T5CC Dilemma
Exactly that's what I said when thronebreaker is released.. Pay cash for t5cc or stay as a cavalier and watch thronebreaker having good rewards.. Else complete abyss or act6 100% .. or the more else … (View Post)10 -
Re: HT hater, if he's still here??
HT with prefight activated can kill anyone (except nodes applying autobleed like caltrops, bio hazard..and few act 6 bosses) (View Post)0 -
Re: Kabam’s slow drip of t5cc
Even with a t5cc, not having accurate/desirable champion is useless!! I'm sure they are going to offer t5cc selector with money!!! And everyone having right champion and wrong t5cc wanted to be TB ha… (View Post)0 -
Re: Petition to make no difference in Thronebreaker And Cavalier UNIT-BASED Cyber Weekend Deals!
I think, even throne breaker player won't buy throne breaker deals.. just think.. What did they want now?? Having 6* shards and some percentage of t5cc through daily. Only t5cc catalyst selector or 6… (View Post)0