Wine_Lover ★
Idea about strikers
So with strikers showing again in this month event I had an idea about how I’d like to see them brought into the game. I think it would be cool if you could equip the champs you have to champs on you… (View Post)2 -
Re: How do you organize/set farming goals for finishing content
Way I approach it is every month my energy goes to 100% Cav then usually 100% UC. That’s probably two weeks into the month or little less to get them then energy gets used auto running revive farming… (View Post)2 -
Re: Thoughts on my roster
I had an unduped AA for a long time and he is still very good. He pumps out a ton of damage just melting anything not bleed or poison immune. He deals with evade champs well with parry and heavy. If … (View Post)1 -
Re: How good is Cable
He needs Apocalypse to be good. If you only have a 4* Apocalypse you aren’t getting any use from him in act 6. (View Post)1 -
Re: Account Progression
Awaken Hype and rank him up. (View Post)1