Wolfrhk ★
28 Day War Event needs a buff badly!
Noticed the 28 day timer doesn't match War Season anymore due to several delays in the past few months, then realized as a Valiant player the rewards are years behind. 2500 6* for the last milestone … (View Post)12 -
Re: What’s happening with AI?
The defender recovery time is insanely faster compared to what it used to be, to the point where defender can reparry into blocked combo hits when it isn't possible for the attacker to do the same. M… (View Post)8 -
Re: Please fix this 😭
It's not fixed as of right now. I tried practice mode with Valkyre against different champs. Can't even do a 4 hit combo into block without getting parried every single time. (View Post)1 -
Re: Please fix this 😭
Tried to hit CGRs block in War Showcase with Void, got reparried and KOd. Still not fixed (View Post)1 -
Re: New AQ History bug
Officers and alliance leaders do. Guessing the mastery bugs and auto fight bugs are on the front burner right now (View Post)1