bazingamp ★
Re: Should I R3 6* Unduped VTD to be throne breaker ?
Finally first R3 champ got me throne breaker title. I hope to get some nice rewards from daily crystal (View Post)2 -
Re: Should I R3 6* Unduped VTD to be throne breaker ?
Tried 6 * featured for CGR and got Professor X. Now VTD is going to R3 :-) (View Post)1 -
Re: Should I R3 6* Unduped VTD to be throne breaker ?
Thanks everyone. I will be opening 6* featured soon to see if I get cosmic ghost rider(which is rare specially my luck with 6* not so good) else I will go with VTD. (View Post)1 -
Re: Daily Time Paradox Event Target
any easy duel target for doramamu? (View Post)1 -
Re: Daily Time Paradox Event Target
Nice work @DroidDoes (View Post)1