the_eradicator ★★★
Re: About Crashed (not Crushed) specific response to one item
As expected another single brain cell post from peixemacaco (View Post)6 -
Re: RAIDS rewards suck
Kabam I am pretty sure responses like these should not be welcome in forums. Disregarding feedback and not actually adding anything of value to the discussion and just deflecting by saying - "Th… (View Post)2 -
Re: Community Disagree Button
The 10000s of disagrees on your posts absolutely should mean something right Mr Demonzfyre ? Surely few of them would be doing it out of spite but if you get more than 4 or 5 I guess its pretty valid… (View Post)7 -
Is Deadpool x force currently bugged
Is DPX currently bugged or is this the intended way he is supposed to be. Previously he was doing the red direct damage with every strike and then it was fixed, cos the direct damage was supposed to … (View Post)1 -
Re: After so many great moments, 😔...bye....
Wow bro how do you get the motivation to create such efortlessly bad posts. You should get an award for the Hottest trash poster. Wish I had your special powers daymn. (View Post)15