zeezee57 ★★★★★
Re: With regards to Kabam's more transparent approach in future i have a question
There's soooooo many champs in need of work so its going to take a long time to get to them all. Every one named in the OP is need of course but imo the og avengers are probably the most widely antic… (View Post)2 -
Re: How many 6stars R3
At seven currently with mystic, science, cosmic and mutant t5cc on hand waiting for a good champ or awakening. Corvus, Omega, Falcon, Gully99, CMM, Fury and most recently Mr Fantastic round out the R… (View Post)1 -
Re: Life cycle on blade in eq
If you mean for UC I don't disagree, Cav is fine imo since it is still the top difficulty for monthly quests so having some tricky fights is all a part of that. I have a fairly deep roster so wasn't … (View Post)1 -
Re: Why is there a heal block(Passive) in EQ?
And there's an entire section of defensive mastery tree you spend a ton of units opening up to mitigate that health loss. Universal heal block is just lazy, the fact you don't like suicides shouldn't… (View Post)6 -
Re: Lag + Blade = Death
I took him with Gully99 tonight, was just planning to beat him down some but if you go in with the 100 combo to start she wrecks him since her burst damage works around the nodes. Not sure how it wou… (View Post)2