Why is there a heal block(Passive) in EQ?

Warning: This post may Trigger some people, feel free to share your thoughts but please don't take it personally. This opinion is based on my personal experience and it may not be a representation of yours.
Here goes,
I'm a semi ftp player. I like so many others play arena as it is an important unit source.
With this being said, not everyone but most arena grinders (not you who's disagreeing with me) run liquid courage and double edge for easy grinds.
Those who run these masteries know how many units it takes to unlock them and it also takes a certain amount to change them.
Now, if this heal block is here to stay then fine I'll switch off suicide masteries before EQ and only activate them after I've completed it 100 %.
(Duh! Or you can run arena without suicides?)
Yes i can and maybe I'll have to but if kabam can please rethink this heal block strategy one more time please 🙏.
It will be very helpful.
Here goes,
I'm a semi ftp player. I like so many others play arena as it is an important unit source.
With this being said, not everyone but most arena grinders (not you who's disagreeing with me) run liquid courage and double edge for easy grinds.
Those who run these masteries know how many units it takes to unlock them and it also takes a certain amount to change them.
Now, if this heal block is here to stay then fine I'll switch off suicide masteries before EQ and only activate them after I've completed it 100 %.
(Duh! Or you can run arena without suicides?)
Yes i can and maybe I'll have to but if kabam can please rethink this heal block strategy one more time please 🙏.
It will be very helpful.
As the science one, very bad global node.
Purely BS node design.
I’m not going to rebuild mastery just for sake of one quest
One the other, you have end game players complaining that content is too hard because they run "suicides" and cannot heal with Willpower in one chapter of the a six chapter quest.
Kabam simply cannot make everyone happy.
Personally, I set my mastery tree so I can switch my offense only (~60 units) when needed. Or I use champs that can purify debuffs (several skill champs do this). Or use Fury/DPX on the team to mitigate at least one of the debuffs.
I also never said i was unhappy with kabam . They are doing a good job in providing a variety of content for their varied player base.
It was simply a suggestion and if they don't implement it fine by me. I'm already using an all tech team to clear this last quest anyways .
Sure it's a little challenging but hey since EQ is already "ToO EaSy" i don't mind a challenge.
1, replace 2 of the rotating debuffs with heal block debuffs. If you don't use the node or other shrugging abilities, you also don't get free healing.
2, that node that reduces regen rate by 50% for each non-damaging debuff. Pretty much the same thing as 1. Suicides are damaging debuffs and don't activate the node. If you don't do what the node is asking of you, you won't get healing.
Unavoidable perma healblock just feels kinda lazy.
If only they'd known in advance.
Problem solved for everyone
Yes, we understand that there are Skill champs designed to shrug off, but in practice.. a good many of them do not do so with 100% accuracy. Including KP, who I still believe is bugged to never ever shrug Double Edge. With or without Hood on the team. I'm pretty sure in all the times I've used him since his update, it's been a 0% chance to shrug Double Edge.
At first I thought it was just the Skill map. But then I discovered there were other Heal Block nodes scattered about in other quests. The problem is that it actually makes it so you end up just ignoring the nodes you are supposed to follow (use a certain champ, etc.) and just picking a team that has the best chance of survival under the Heal Block. Basically making the whole design of the quests useless in a way.
This is compounded by the ridiculous mastery respec process that we still have. First fix the mastery system, then talk to us about spamming Heal Block nodes in EQ afterwards. At least it would be a different discussion at that point.
Also, I love it when someone self proclaimed “ftp” then goes on a rant. When did people care if your opinion comes from someone that doesn’t spend on a mobile game or not. I lose all respect for someone that has to make a point in telling the world they are “ftp” or “whale”. No one cares.
"They are not needed." Poor quest design isn't a reason to claim your mastery preference is superior to someone else's. Again, we seem to be ignoring the fact that the ridiculous mastery respec process is a major part of the underlying problem to begin with.
Try to assess the topic and not address your feelings about me. You’ll be wrong everytime.