The poor stay poor and the rich get richer

I know it’s not just me that is thinking about the ridiculously difficult content that has been added in the form of Ultron variant mode, and the newly released champion boss rush event (I know it’s not a boss rush that’s what I call it). The difficulty GREATLY increases as you go along especially in the new boss rush event. What about the players that don’t have a R3 5*, R4 5*, R5 5*, or even a 6 Star? Where are the events that reward fully formed 4* hero crystals at an intermediate difficulty? Why do the extremely valuable players get rewarded with 6 star shards and fully formed 5 star crystals at a difficulty they can handle, but the beginners and the middle class players absolutely cannot handle. Kabam, there are players who have completed the story acts but do not spend money, or pulled bad champs like IP or Kamala khan in the story rewards. Why is an event that is obviously made for the high tier players shown to beginner and intermediate players, and also available to attempt for the beginner and intermediate players? Why can’t we get the same quest but with a fully formed 4* crystal, and 5 star shards? Why? Why is this new content only relevant for high tier players? Dare I say we need diversity in the contest?
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I also have few maxed 4*, not blade tier but some Domino CapIW ect.
My point is, this challenges are really testin my skills, im not whaler ofc, saved up some items and gonna use them, 40k ratin The Champ boss? Challenge accepted, im gonna go with my 4*s. Dont complain. Try over and over again. Watch some video, improve your skills, im pretty sure i can handle these new content. I know im gonna pull something useless again but still it’s gonna be experience. So just don’t complain. Be positive, believe in yourself, you get better overtime
Act 4 100%
Act v completion
Act v 100%
Lol first clear
Uncollected monthly first clear
Uncollected monthly 100%
Be able to run map 6
And if u can.. 100% LoL
Thats biggest achievement before varient was out...and varient 100% rewards is better than 100% lol
If u havent done all of this then kabam clearly said
As for varient...
Its for “End game” players
I have done ecerything in the game and 100% LoL
As for spending
There is brian grant and since...
U say rich get richer but anybody can get far, take alook at Seatin Ftp account and he doesnt even gribd arena on that accoubt
Take youtuber CADE who beat LOL and 100% lol in about 1 year and competes in master alliance
Varient can be done, but u need to put in the time,effiort,skills needed
No, I meant a duplicate quest, but a lower difficulty. Not the same rewards.
Exactly, imagine people doing LoL in future with r4/r5 6*
And doing varient with r4/5 6*
When LoL came out people was exploring it 4* starlord...i cant imagibe a r5 6* clearing lol. Thats easy mode
For one thing, Chapter One isn't made for "high tier" players. These days Master level difficulty is upper mid-tier. For another thing, players can attempt the content just to see how far they can get, to measure how far they've progressed in the game. Some of the content is level locked, but other than that the game has no way to know how skilled you are relative to your level and roster. The game gives you the option to try.
It already has a lower difficulty. You can just do one path and still get completion rewards.
Consider it 4x separate difficulties, instead of them being all in one chapter. They give rewards for completig and exploring the first difficulties as well. If you can't complete the last one, then you are not yet ready for the challenge
I couldnt complete this event back then...
I shoukd of complained on forums aswel!!!
There was also a time i couldnt 100% master monthly and was told i suck and cant do map5.
Thank you for your feedback. I know that when you're not able to complete some of the limited time content, it can feel disheartening. I remember fighting through Chloe's Warriors of Awesomeness when I first started, and not being able to complete Chapter 2 (these Challenges were structured differently back then).
But it's important to remember that given time, and effort, you can get to the point in progression where you're able to complete this stuff. It may be out of reach right now, but that doesn't mean that it will be forever!
As for the topic of why we're adding more difficult content, take a read through this post here, and hopefully it can give you some insight as to the why and how of it all: about those get rich quick ads i see on social media?
Says sll i gota do i work for couple of minutes and i can make hundreds??
I hear you bro. Why, i have this friend who took 2 whole semesters of community college, but they won't let him be a neurosurgeon and clear $400,000 in his first year on the job, just cause he didn't spend 4 years in undergrad, 4 years in med school, 7 years residency, 1 year fellowship. Where's the fairness in that? They should totally have a position available for low or mid-tier educated people and pay them mostly the same to operate on human brains. He may be dangerously underqualified, but he really wants the rewards of cutting heads, where's the fairness in that?!?
P.S :- "End gamers", "God-sent", "Pro skilled players"... please don't give me get good comments... i am sharing my feed back not asking for suggestions on how to clear content...
I saw an ad money pyramid scheme on social media i can hundreds of dollars in afew minutes
I did the math and it said we can make upwards $10,000 in 2 weeks, i did the math i
And u can be rich aswel if u sign up with me.. u in?
Your title is in untrue cliche, that's not what happens in the real world.
The difficulty in the challenge missions does in fact increase exponentially. It always has. It is actually better that it does because that's the best way to make content that can both be done by low tier players at the start and still challenge high tier players at the top. If it wasn't exponential, if it was say linear, then it would *feel* like the content jumped dramatically upward initially and then leveled off a bit towards the end.
To simplify by example, this is an exponential difficulty increase: 1000 PI, 2000, 4000, 8000, 16000. This is the linear version that spans the same start and stop difficulty: 1000, 4750, 8500, 12250, 16000. Notice the huge jump from 1k to nearly 5k right at the beginning, and the proportionately tame increase at the end. Linear difficulty increases actually make things harder for lower tier players relative to higher tier players in terms of how much progress they can make through the content.
What if all rich people gave back?
Wont we save all starving kids in 3rd workd countries?
Why cant all the whales and also crystal opening whale give us all odins worth of units instead of being selfish and spending thousands $$$$ of units on opening crystals, when he can all give he poor revives and potions??
How does someone whos poor get to the top?
How do i beat people who was born rich ?
How do u lose everything even if u won the lottery?
( you should youtube search “lottery winners who went broke”)