Problem with dominos sp2

In dominos abilities it states that if she suffered a bleed and is lucky her sp2 will receive a 100% damage boost while this works for the actual hits the bleeds aren’t increasing in damage
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Thanks for bringing this to our attention! We were able to confirm that this is a bug and will be looking at getting in a fix as soon as we're able to.
We are still looking into this particular issue with the damage boost and don't have any specifics to share yet with how it will be handled. We'll be sure to let you know as soon as we have more information to share.
Thank you for your patience as our team investigated this. When you brought this to our attention, we quickly confirmed that this was a bug, but as we were testing out our fix, we quickly discovered that it would make Domino's already very powerful Sp2 way too strong. If you were to Proc Lucky and place a bleed on your opponent, there was virtually no Opponent in game that Domino didn't completely melt. We discussed this for quite some time, and in the interest of game balance have made the decision that we will not be making this change.
We'll be updating her attack description in an upcoming update.
While I understand “why” the decision to not fix this bug, this is still a nerf to the effectiveness to the champ as she was meant to be. By saying, she’s good enough with the bug warrants some type of compensation.
You advertised a product (champ) that didn’t work as intended. You now are changing that product. Shady business if there’s no compensation.
I’m not suggesting rank down tickets, but leaving things “as is” isnt acceptable.
So domino was just nerfed?
Yes basically the ability wasn’t working kabam said they would fixed it then decided it was too overpowered clearly showing they didn’t test the champ well to not notice this
I have her at 4:55 I wasn’t complaining about her @Cptnkillr_89
these are her abilities, any change or degrade the to the champion is a nerf, she has been out for atleast several months now. “Not working as intended” or calling her a bug is utter bs. Her abilities are literally written in. Just food for thought.
Well said