Just for fun... how many...?
How many furies have you stacked up with crossbones?
Me: 8 or 9. No fury mastery
How many armor brakes with Netflix daredevil?
Me: 11 maybe 12
How many bleeds with [insert champ]?
How many [?] with [?]?
Me: 8 or 9. No fury mastery
How many armor brakes with Netflix daredevil?
Me: 11 maybe 12
How many bleeds with [insert champ]?
How many [?] with [?]?
I had 10 bleed with OG Black Panther.
Max was 26 with Killmonger, but that was using his S3 ability.
I had 70+ with KM. Which really surprised me since it’s only supposed to go up to 50. Maybe it just means 50 is the max TOWARDS the ability
It’s all rng
Edit: 9 frostbite charges with Iceman, 5 Auras with Meph
AA- 11 neurotoxin
Voodoo- 24 I think. That took awhile in ROL maybe more in the red skull EQ but like most people I used Ronan for almost all of it and didn’t pay attention the one time I used voodoo. Also the boss rush event (I think) where you could melt war machine
18 is my highest I think
I think I was able to use Doctor Voodoo to get about 26-28 Spirit Venoms on War Machine once or twice, though that was when he already had a few Armor Up buffs and Loas up before his Empty the Clip ability activated. He only activates the ability at low health, so he didn't survive very long, but it is still fun to watch those big numbers fly around for a few seconds.
Pre-Deep Wounds mastery by the way
Wasn't impressed.😂
3 critical bleed stacks with Domino - ticking for more than 20k a second. Quickest I've ever seen WS die, it was insane, and beautiful.
13 incinerate stacks with Masacre, because that's just stupid amounts of fun.
I've had the exact same amount of frostbite and neuros.
I was able to stack 48 spirit venom with voodoo. I think it was War machine, he activated multiple empty clips and voodoo converted everything into venom. That fight lasted about 12 seconds.