Emma Frost UC

Hello. Does anyone of you has her as r4/5 5*? I want to duel her, as I can’t beat her in one shot, and I don’t want to use revives. I forgot how to evade her specials. Do you need to swipe right twice?

You need to dash back that is, swipe left twice to completely evade the sp1.
I always go for the sp1 because the timing's a little weird for the sp2.
Also, you don't need to do that too I think.
Just keep dexing till she reaches the armor up phase in oscillate and only use heavies. She won't initiate any attack while in armor up phase.
That's a good point to keep in mind! Any Armor Break will force her into Telepath Form, where she has lower defenses. Plus, in Telepath Form she can only build Prowess by landing crits, so if you can avoid getting hit by her basic attacks, her special attacks will do less damage as well.
And yes, if you are fighting an awakened Emma Frost, she will reverse your controls when she uses a special attack and it will last until just after the end of the attacks, so you would need to swipe towards her to dex out of those attacks. (But for other Emma Frost fights, make sure to note if she is awakened or not; you wouldn't want to swipe towards her during specials if you were fighting an unawakened one.)
Duel is easy, as you can block first part of her sp1, but in the EQ I always late to dodge that!
When evading, swipe right for the first two attacks then remember to swipe left to dash to her for a combo.
How many hits and specials do you think we'll take on this fight?
What about Ghost and wasp? They both wear some kind of armor helmet
Keep her power up she gets melted by neurotoxin.
Failing that I used SL and evaded the S1
Finally something my 6-star turd can do.
Its funny how they reply to such posts. On posts where answers are needed by them, they ignore...
To add to that, Mordo, when you hold block for 0.5 seconds (I think), is able to block unblockable specials.
but I will leave exploration of her chapter last to do
Medusa worked great for me. BUT, I did try some other Armor Break attackers and they DID NOT switch Frost to normal Telepath form. Forget which ones I tried, think maybe some that ArmorBreak when doing a critical hit ? (Is Frost immune to Critical Hits when in Diamond form ?)
Yes your correct thanks for adding additional info otherwise ppl would of assumed i am crazy lol
Which armor break champs did you try that did not switch frost to telepath from?
But I’ll echo what others have said about pushing her to wall and (when she is in defensive state) just continually do Heavies on her. Use someone with a quick Heavy, who doesn’t lose ground distance to her with each Heavy as some heroes tend to do (else next Heavy you’re too far back). Ultron and Ironman have good quick Heavies.