Colorblind Issues With Expiring Stash Items

When you have items in your stash that are about to expire, especially the arena boosts, you can not tell which boost the class is actually related to if you are colorblind! What I have to do is go to the actual items and look to see which arena boosts are at max capacity and guess from there. It would be nice if in the stash you can click on the items with the timer and then it will tell you what the actual item is so I know what class the arena boost that is about to expire is for! Please and thank you!!!!


  • Goose_81Goose_81 Member Posts: 111
    YES!!! Please make this happen! It would be very nice if I could just tap on the item and get a simple description.
  • SummonerNRSummonerNR Member, Guardian Posts: 13,795 Guardian
    Agreed, need to allow tapping on a Stash items to see exactly what variety they are. Even if you’re not colorblind (for the class based power/special boosts, or maybe an issue for ISO colors too), this would also help to see which version of Arena Boost (15 minute vs 30 minute) is the one in Stash (both in Inventory may be max'd at 5, so then you could only currently guess as to which one is the excess one).
  • Kabam ZibiitKabam Zibiit Administrator Posts: 7,033
    Hey there, we appreciate the feedback! We'll pass it along to the rest of the team.
  • Colonaut123Colonaut123 Member Posts: 3,091 ★★★★★
    Hey there, we appreciate the feedback! We'll pass it along to the rest of the team.

    Maybe Kabam can do a disability test, going through the game with some specific common disabilities on mind and fixing some things that will approve accessibility? Like, making the game playable if you only have one hand.
  • SummonerNRSummonerNR Member, Guardian Posts: 13,795 Guardian
    Being able to “flip” the screen fighting positions (mirror image of current positions during fights) would allow people (aka Left-Handed people or those with a disabled right hand), to fight with their hero from the Right side of screen. Left hand would then be the more “active” side (swipes, taps, and hold-taps), and your right hand (the side your hero would now be on) would be the more “passive” where you only need to do simple touches (for blocking only).
  • Shess767Shess767 Member Posts: 10
    This is exactly what I was going to suggest, based on the dates it was posted anywhere from 9 months ago to the begining of the game. So hopefully it's in the dev plan for a future release!

    I've noticed that in pretty much every other aspect of the game when you tap an item a description pops up. But this doesn't happen in the stash, being colorblind I have no idea what catalyst or iso or arena boost is about to expire and either have to use or sell any maxed out items I've been saving for a specific event. If you could just add the same pop up description that is in every other aspect of the game it would be greatly appreciated. Also would it be possible to get an update from someone at Kabam as to if this has even been looked into considering the age of this suggestion.

    I understand being colorblind isn't at the top of the list of disabilities but it is something that has to be constantly dealt with in my daily life and is very frustrating. It's sad that it is also an issue while playing my favorite game.

    As per this forms rules any suggestions should take into account other players, and I believe that is exactly what we are asking for. No color changes no major rewrite just a simple pop up that already exists in every other aspect of the game.

    If I can be of any further assistance please feel free to contact me, thank you for your time.

    Scott H.
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