Champs Not available in AQ

We are currently in Placement Phase of AW and I have placed my defenders. However, I’m unable to use them in AQ attack. They do show up as available if I want to start a solo quest, but aren’t there for AQ.
Have tried restarting the game to no avail.
iPhone 8 Plus with latest Apple updates.
Have tried restarting the game to no avail.
iPhone 8 Plus with latest Apple updates.
If I place a champion on Defense, that champion is available for normal questing but not for AQ. It's been that way as long as I can remember.
Essentially, when you place your Champions for Alliance War Defence, they are locked in and you can't use them for the Attack Phase. You aren't able to use those same Champions in an Alliance Quest running at the same time, and you aren't able to use them in Story or Event Quests once the Attack Phase has started.
champs cant be used in AQ and any stage of AW at the same time
champs in AW placement can only be used in solo.
its to stop champs being used in AW and AQ simultaniously if attack phases overlap