Version 22.0 - Releases March 6th

v22.0 will be available March 6th! Read on to learn about this exciting update!
With fears of a clandestine SKRULL invasion, CAPTAIN MARVEL reaches out to the Summoners of The Contest, hoping to unveil the shape-shifting aliens and a put a stop to their plans. Entering the FORBIDDEN TERRITORIES, they find another version of Carol Danvers, a CAPTAIN MARVEL of another universe, who has lost her memories upon entering The Battlerealm and brims with cosmic power. With the help of NICK FURY, the three must trust each other to uncover the true threat lurking beneath the surface.
Fury is looking for a group of remarkable Summoners to infiltrate The Battlerealm as his eyes and ears. Gather INTEL by taking specifically Tagged Champions through weekly Quests. Each week a new team will have to be assembled!
Three Champions have had major updates to keep up with the ever growing challenge of The Contest.
• New Fury Passives to grant much higher damage output
• New “Slow” Debuff to prevent Unstoppable and Evade abilities from activating
• Re-balanced Special Attack effects with greater utility
• New and updated Synergies
• New Trap Spider and Hunter Spider Passive Effects to increase damage output and lower the opponent's Power Gain rate
• Overhauled Evade mechanic that becomes stronger against Unblockable Special Attacks while also providing an Attack boost
• Re-balanced Special Attack effects with greater utility
• New and updated Synergies
• Can now stack Fury and Cruelty Buffs by landing light and heavy attacks
• New Cruelty and Fury Buffs can be refreshed with a Heavy Attack to create increasing damage potential
• Re-balanced Signature Ability that can be re-used during the fight
• Re-balanced Special Attack effects with greater utility
• New and updated Synergies
Alliance Auto-Join
• Find your next great Alliance with the new Alliance Auto-Join feature! The search system automatically tries to find you an active Alliance that suits you
How-To-Play Updates
• New format and updated content for How-To-Play modules, which can be accessed by tapping on a question mark icon in certain screens
Profile Views from Alliance War Map
• You are now able to access the Defender’s Summoner profile directly from the Map by tapping on the icon beside the Defender’s alias
Story Mode Progression Visualization
• A new progress bar on the Story Quests’ screen to indicate progression towards the next Milestone
• Tapping on the progress bar will open a popup with info about all of the Milestones, including how to complete them, the rewards, and more
New Story Mode Milestones
• For new Summoners, Complete Act 1 Chapter 4 to earn a new Title CHALLENGER (Players who have previously completed this content will be receiving their Title in the coming weeks)
• Diablo - Fixed an issue where Diablo could gain additional Potion Stacks, even after losing a fight
• Iron Fist - Signature Ability description provides increased detail regarding Armor Breaks duration
• Loki and Rogue - Now able to steal or replicate Heimdall’s Aptitude Buff
• Ronan - Clarified his Special Attack ability description to indicate he can convert Fury Buffs to Weaknesses, not all Fury Effects
• Thing - Added Armor Shatter Immunity info to Ability page
• Fixed an issue where some Ambushes were causing the game to crash for some Players
• Fixed an issue where Mystic Daily Quests contain Science Champions
Those optimizations are always ongoing, and we've made some improvements, but I don't want to say that the issue will be completely fixed until we have had some time with the new release out in the wild.
Credit where credit is due. To repeat what someone said earlier, thanks to the Kabaam team for buffing these champs. This does so much for morale. Really looking forward to seeing my 6* Gamora in action with this new update!
Now I’m just waiting for Emma’s synergy with Cyclops to be fixed.
Is Proxima Midnight not being able to block unblockable attacks due to Map 7's global counterstrike node being looked into?
Will at least, this update, be available for those users?
Unfortunatly, I'm going to be affected by this change. I've been playing this game everyday, for 4 years now and have done everything on the game so far, including LoL and Variant.
And now suddently, I will be forced to stop playing until I get a new device, which really sucks to be honest ...
Can't say I wasn't expecting this, but it was sooner that I think it would be ...