Gifting Badge Discussion [Merged Threads]



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  • OKAYGangOKAYGang Member Posts: 524 ★★★
    edited March 2019

    OKAYGang said:

    BOSSXL said:

    Let’s keep this real. Resource Mercs farm battle chips from arenas on multiple accounts and then sell resources to players at a huge discount. Usually half price. You get $100 worth of resources for $50 sent thru paypal or other source. This does not require sharing passwords or account info and was entirely within the rules of the competition and gifting badges. Most resource mercs we’re playing by the rules. Some may have been using arena bots and some may have been purchasing units from stolen Or fraudulent methods. It’s possible. But the real takeaway should be how many people were purchasing these resources and take notice. It shows your pricing for these items is too high.

    You took steps to eliminate the resource drops for AQ. You created a conversion badge to compete with the mercs that join alliances, drop massive amounts of gold, battle chips and loyalty and then leave alliance. It was smart to offer the conversion badge and compete and provide better value. You should do the same thing with the resources from gifting. Slash the prices in half. Provide better value and you will not lose players by the thousands and possibly even gain new spending players and entice F2P players to open their wallets again.
    That is smart decision.
    This action effects blue collar players much more than any other segment. The whale alliances don’t really care about pricing. They don’t have to. This effect players willing to spend but not able to afford the pricing that you have set. I hope you take notice of this and make a move before the exodus.

    True story bro.
    I'm sorry, but nothing about that is true. Resource Mercs selling Resources for money is not, I repeat NOT, playing by the rules. It's actually illegal. Regardless of whether they Grinded for Units or not. The game is the digital property of Kabam. It is not for resale.
    Blaming the prices for illegal and illicit behavior is about as irreverent as it comes, and shows anything but a conscience about stealing. People are responsible for their own choice to steal. It's not justified by the price of things. Children learn at a very early age, don't take what doesn't belong to you. For some reason, that doesn't stick.
    That's not only the situation we are talking about. There is also Fraud happening that involves other people. No amount of gripe with the prices will make this behavior justifiable.
    It's flat-out sad that people are so unconscionable that they don't consider other people or the ramifications of their actions. They don't care as long as they make a quick buck and stick it to Kabam. Only, they stick it to themselves and everyone else in the end, and this is the direct result of that.
    It is not Kabam's fault it's come to this. It's people who played the system like a well-oiled flute.
    By my initial reply "true story bro" all I meant yeah this is what is really happening for the people who are still clueless and don't understand what led Kabam to this decision. I have no opinion on resource mercs, I've known of their existence for a long time but have never personally used them. I think we can all agree it's a shame everyone is punished for the actions of a few here but I know and understand why. A lot of people that just lost their gifting badge obviously still don't. Also I think we can all agree prices are too high and things like this wouldn't happen to such extremes if that were not the case. Perfect real world example, my state just raised cigarette taxes now local businesses are getting broken into and robbed for cigarettes. Make prices of a commidity that people are addicted to unaffordable and this is what happens. I don't completely disagree with Kabam's decision, I get why they did it. But could they have taken steps to prevent this earlier, absolutely.
  • Isman1998Isman1998 Member Posts: 520 ★★★
    Rip Gifting forever :(
  • Meynot1967usaMeynot1967usa Member Posts: 3
    Just got another 550units for compensation, I was quick to complain so I will be just as quick to say thanks. The newbies in my alliance will miss them but I at least do not feel cheated.
  • RedPyramidHeadRedPyramidHead Member Posts: 18

    Ok. I see that nobody understands what’s happening here. Good job KABAM. Thanks for “fairly” compensating everyone. Amazing job.

    They literally gave back 850 units, what more could you want?
    Ummm, my money back? That’d be a good start.
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  • Jedi_HawkeJedi_Hawke Member Posts: 955 ★★★
    Just got it, I am happy! I was happy with 300 units, but getting a 550 mastery core from it also, I woulda traded my gift badge in for that long ago! Mastery set up complete!
  • RedPyramidHeadRedPyramidHead Member Posts: 18
    Drooped2 said:

    Nov2018 said:

    I dont want your refund units, me too, just like the rest, we used CASH. The refund units can only be use back into this ridiculous game, we are not suckers. Refund cash back

    They cant you paid apple or google they pay kabam the refund process is thru the seller directly (apple google)

    Ok. I see that nobody understands what’s happening here. Good job KABAM. Thanks for “fairly” compensating everyone. Amazing job.

    They literally gave back 850 units, what more could you want?
    Ummm, my money back? That’d be a good start.
    Take it up with the seller. Apple or google. Kabam doesnt have that ability.
    They actually dont btw so before you claim its a lie its not

    Also.if you get back they should remove 3950 units from your acct otherwise its fraud and a type of theft
    As you have a product you no longer paid for.

    Wow, you still don’t understand. I’ve already contacted Apple. I purchased the Odin pack because it contained the badge. Which now because it’s taken away is false advertisement. So I purchased something under false pretenses. Kabam is now depriving me of something which is rightfully mine. That is theft.
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  • RedPyramidHeadRedPyramidHead Member Posts: 18

    Drooped2 said:

    Nov2018 said:

    I dont want your refund units, me too, just like the rest, we used CASH. The refund units can only be use back into this ridiculous game, we are not suckers. Refund cash back

    They cant you paid apple or google they pay kabam the refund process is thru the seller directly (apple google)

    Ok. I see that nobody understands what’s happening here. Good job KABAM. Thanks for “fairly” compensating everyone. Amazing job.

    They literally gave back 850 units, what more could you want?
    Ummm, my money back? That’d be a good start.
    Take it up with the seller. Apple or google. Kabam doesnt have that ability.
    They actually dont btw so before you claim its a lie its not

    Also.if you get back they should remove 3950 units from your acct otherwise its fraud and a type of theft
    As you have a product you no longer paid for.

    Wow, you still don’t understand. I’ve already contacted Apple. I purchased the Odin pack because it contained the badge. Which now because it’s taken away is false advertisement. So I purchased something under false pretenses. Kabam is now depriving me of something which is rightfully mine. That is theft.
    It is not possible for us to do individual compensations in this case, and it is not possible for us to give refunds. We mentioned earlier that it was not possible for anybody to really decide what the actual Value of the Gifting Badge was, as that package could have meant different things to different people. In this case, we decided to give the full value of the Offer that most players purchased it in as Units.
    Yes it absolutely is possible for you to compensate individually per account because y’all can see what each account purchased to get the badge. Y’all do this to punish or ban accounts but for this it isn’t convenient for y’all. Also I know I’ll get warned for this. Go ahead, it has happened before for questioning Kabam ways.
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  • AngelDorantesAngelDorantes Member Posts: 16

    Be like me buying a BBQ using it for three years and then demanding money because of a saftey recall. Pfft...

    Be like you buying a BBQ, using it for 3 years then the one who sold it took away a perfectly useful item and gave you a bag of coal, then you saying Thanks so much fir the coal, I love it, u are awesome. .... pffft
  • John757John757 Member Posts: 1,087 ★★★
    Drooped2 said:

    Drooped2 said:

    Nov2018 said:

    I dont want your refund units, me too, just like the rest, we used CASH. The refund units can only be use back into this ridiculous game, we are not suckers. Refund cash back

    They cant you paid apple or google they pay kabam the refund process is thru the seller directly (apple google)

    Ok. I see that nobody understands what’s happening here. Good job KABAM. Thanks for “fairly” compensating everyone. Amazing job.

    They literally gave back 850 units, what more could you want?
    Ummm, my money back? That’d be a good start.
    Take it up with the seller. Apple or google. Kabam doesnt have that ability.
    They actually dont btw so before you claim its a lie its not

    Also.if you get back they should remove 3950 units from your acct otherwise its fraud and a type of theft
    As you have a product you no longer paid for.

    Wow, you still don’t understand. I’ve already contacted Apple. I purchased the Odin pack because it contained the badge. Which now because it’s taken away is false advertisement. So I purchased something under false pretenses. Kabam is now depriving me of something which is rightfully mine. That is theft.
    It is not possible for us to do individual compensations in this case, and it is not possible for us to give refunds. We mentioned earlier that it was not possible for anybody to really decide what the actual Value of the Gifting Badge was, as that package could have meant different things to different people. In this case, we decided to give the full value of the Offer that most players purchased it in as Units.
    Yes it absolutely is possible for you to compensate individually per account because y’all can see what each account purchased to get the badge. Y’all do this to punish or ban accounts but for this it isn’t convenient for y’all. Also I know I’ll get warned for this. Go ahead, it has happened before for questioning Kabam ways.
    Again kabam cant issue refunds the store can.
    That's apple and google.

    This is like calling a company that makes a bought on amazon.

    They will say call amazon
    On a side note a guy was caught scamming amazon and google for millions of dollars to get refunds on stuff he never bought
  • V1PER1987V1PER1987 Member Posts: 3,474 ★★★★★

    Drooped2 said:

    Nov2018 said:

    I dont want your refund units, me too, just like the rest, we used CASH. The refund units can only be use back into this ridiculous game, we are not suckers. Refund cash back

    They cant you paid apple or google they pay kabam the refund process is thru the seller directly (apple google)

    Ok. I see that nobody understands what’s happening here. Good job KABAM. Thanks for “fairly” compensating everyone. Amazing job.

    They literally gave back 850 units, what more could you want?
    Ummm, my money back? That’d be a good start.
    Take it up with the seller. Apple or google. Kabam doesnt have that ability.
    They actually dont btw so before you claim its a lie its not

    Also.if you get back they should remove 3950 units from your acct otherwise its fraud and a type of theft
    As you have a product you no longer paid for.

    Wow, you still don’t understand. I’ve already contacted Apple. I purchased the Odin pack because it contained the badge. Which now because it’s taken away is false advertisement. So I purchased something under false pretenses. Kabam is now depriving me of something which is rightfully mine. That is theft.
    Once again, if all you wanted was the badge you would’ve only spent $30, not $100. Your outrage is ridiculous.
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  • mostlyharmlessnmostlyharmlessn Member Posts: 1,388 ★★★★
    While I would have preferred getting my $ back, I do appreciate the increase to o the unit compensation
  • MjolinarMjolinar Member Posts: 157 ★★
    Credit where it’s due. Well done on this one
  • HexWarHexWar Member Posts: 24
    Someone who bought the Odin for the gifting badge should have bought the lowest cost package if they only needed the badge...obviously they bought the Odin because they wanted the badge plus the other stuff in there.

    Let’s face it folks, Kabam TnC’s allowed them to give us nothing back....but they did. Give credit where it’s due. Well done Kabam.
  • DukeZmanDukeZman Member Posts: 698 ★★★
    @Kabam Miike thank you for the update and apology. 100% right move.
  • CoatHang3rCoatHang3r Member Posts: 4,965 ★★★★★
    “None but maybe 2% of the current player population would be able to afford the full impact of donations+potions+revives+boosts.”

    If that’s the assertion then it’s all good because less than 1% is in that position.

    Furthermore if people are/were riding the backs of fraud and the black market they do not belong in the position they’ve acquired with unfair play; and that position should not now be protected absent their ability to rely on fraud to maintain their status, w/e good riddance, they’ve been stealing from honest players and Kabam.

    Also drop the threats and hyperbole they negate prior assertions of being “reasonable”.

    TL;DR- If you or your alliance relied on the balck market, kick rocks or learn to play the game and manage your resources, you’re done.
  • crogscrogs Member Posts: 779 ★★★
    My real is I no longer spend on the game. I have two accounts and go back and forth gifting to the one that needs it to finish hard content. And if I don't have the units, I don't finish. Oh well. So if I can no longer do that, I'd rather have my $30 back than 850 units. They could even take 850 units in the process. I'm fine waiting to earn them again. $30 isn't killing me, but if they're going to remove something that was only available via paying for it, then getting my money back is the appropriate solution.

    If a company recalls a product, they give you your money back, not store credit. I'd rather be able to choose how that money gets spent again, not be forced to spend it on the company that screwed me over in the first place. That makes no sense. Here's store credit for that product we sold you that we just took back. Feel free to keep buying more stuff from us.
  • Kade7175Kade7175 Member Posts: 304 ★★
    Thank you kabam. You issued the full 850. I appreciate it. Sometimes it takes a little bit to sort things out and you did. All is good with this summoner.
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  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,467 Guardian
    crogs said:

    If a company recalls a product, they give you your money back, not store credit. I'd rather be able to choose how that money gets spent again, not be forced to spend it on the company that screwed me over in the first place. That makes no sense. Here's store credit for that product we sold you that we just took back. Feel free to keep buying more stuff from us.

    I'm trying to decide if it would have been better of Kabam simply removed all the items from the gifting store. On the one hand, I would have to read a million posts that attempted to define the word shady. On the other hand, I wouldn't have to read a million posts that attempted to redefine all of economics.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,984 ★★★★★
    OKAYGang said:

    OKAYGang said:

    BOSSXL said:

    Let’s keep this real. Resource Mercs farm battle chips from arenas on multiple accounts and then sell resources to players at a huge discount. Usually half price. You get $100 worth of resources for $50 sent thru paypal or other source. This does not require sharing passwords or account info and was entirely within the rules of the competition and gifting badges. Most resource mercs we’re playing by the rules. Some may have been using arena bots and some may have been purchasing units from stolen Or fraudulent methods. It’s possible. But the real takeaway should be how many people were purchasing these resources and take notice. It shows your pricing for these items is too high.

    You took steps to eliminate the resource drops for AQ. You created a conversion badge to compete with the mercs that join alliances, drop massive amounts of gold, battle chips and loyalty and then leave alliance. It was smart to offer the conversion badge and compete and provide better value. You should do the same thing with the resources from gifting. Slash the prices in half. Provide better value and you will not lose players by the thousands and possibly even gain new spending players and entice F2P players to open their wallets again.
    That is smart decision.
    This action effects blue collar players much more than any other segment. The whale alliances don’t really care about pricing. They don’t have to. This effect players willing to spend but not able to afford the pricing that you have set. I hope you take notice of this and make a move before the exodus.

    True story bro.
    I'm sorry, but nothing about that is true. Resource Mercs selling Resources for money is not, I repeat NOT, playing by the rules. It's actually illegal. Regardless of whether they Grinded for Units or not. The game is the digital property of Kabam. It is not for resale.
    Blaming the prices for illegal and illicit behavior is about as irreverent as it comes, and shows anything but a conscience about stealing. People are responsible for their own choice to steal. It's not justified by the price of things. Children learn at a very early age, don't take what doesn't belong to you. For some reason, that doesn't stick.
    That's not only the situation we are talking about. There is also Fraud happening that involves other people. No amount of gripe with the prices will make this behavior justifiable.
    It's flat-out sad that people are so unconscionable that they don't consider other people or the ramifications of their actions. They don't care as long as they make a quick buck and stick it to Kabam. Only, they stick it to themselves and everyone else in the end, and this is the direct result of that.
    It is not Kabam's fault it's come to this. It's people who played the system like a well-oiled flute.
    By my initial reply "true story bro" all I meant yeah this is what is really happening for the people who are still clueless and don't understand what led Kabam to this decision. I have no opinion on resource mercs, I've known of their existence for a long time but have never personally used them. I think we can all agree it's a shame everyone is punished for the actions of a few here but I know and understand why. A lot of people that just lost their gifting badge obviously still don't. Also I think we can all agree prices are too high and things like this wouldn't happen to such extremes if that were not the case. Perfect real world example, my state just raised cigarette taxes now local businesses are getting broken into and robbed for cigarettes. Make prices of a commidity that people are addicted to unaffordable and this is what happens. I don't completely disagree with Kabam's decision, I get why they did it. But could they have taken steps to prevent this earlier, absolutely.
    Okay, perhaps I misunderstood. I thought you were agreeing with the sentiment that Resource Mercs were "doing it honestly", and only those that use Fraud were the problem. My mistake.
  • crogscrogs Member Posts: 779 ★★★
    DNA3000 said:

    crogs said:

    If a company recalls a product, they give you your money back, not store credit. I'd rather be able to choose how that money gets spent again, not be forced to spend it on the company that screwed me over in the first place. That makes no sense. Here's store credit for that product we sold you that we just took back. Feel free to keep buying more stuff from us.

    I'm trying to decide if it would have been better of Kabam simply removed all the items from the gifting store. On the one hand, I would have to read a million posts that attempted to define the word shady. On the other hand, I wouldn't have to read a million posts that attempted to redefine all of economics.
    Whether you agree or not, and compensation aside. It's the lazy way out to punish everyone. Why is it every other time people cheat, manipulate or abuse the system, they punish the individuals. But with this they punish everyone. And while they technically give you some value back, it changes how people play the game,especially
    those who play a second account to earn units to help the other account through difficult content.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,984 ★★★★★

    Drooped2 said:

    Nov2018 said:

    I dont want your refund units, me too, just like the rest, we used CASH. The refund units can only be use back into this ridiculous game, we are not suckers. Refund cash back

    They cant you paid apple or google they pay kabam the refund process is thru the seller directly (apple google)

    Ok. I see that nobody understands what’s happening here. Good job KABAM. Thanks for “fairly” compensating everyone. Amazing job.

    They literally gave back 850 units, what more could you want?
    Ummm, my money back? That’d be a good start.
    Take it up with the seller. Apple or google. Kabam doesnt have that ability.
    They actually dont btw so before you claim its a lie its not

    Also.if you get back they should remove 3950 units from your acct otherwise its fraud and a type of theft
    As you have a product you no longer paid for.

    Wow, you still don’t understand. I’ve already contacted Apple. I purchased the Odin pack because it contained the badge. Which now because it’s taken away is false advertisement. So I purchased something under false pretenses. Kabam is now depriving me of something which is rightfully mine. That is theft.
    It is not rightfully yours, in any way. Never was. Read the TOS.
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