Annihi-who?: Meeting New Characters in the Contest

Before working here, I was a big fan of Marvel and always enjoyed learning about who else lived within its Universes. One of the joys of being part of this team is getting to see these characters I never knew about coming to life within The Contest. It never ceases to spark my interest and once again we’re proving that with the upcoming introduction of Johnny Storm with Annihilus.
Now, I know about the Human Torch but I don’t think I ever really recalled reading in the comics about Annihilus. So out of curiosity, I went on a little journey to learn more about him and I’m just amazed by how much more this universe has to offer. My favorite fact for this journey was learning he was created by a spore meant to help create life on a dead planet-- only to become, more or less, an extremely intelligent creature with a single fear (all too real) of death.

(Fantastic Four Annual 1 #6 [1963])
That said, I wanted to drop by and ask if there has ever been a Champion or a character introduced to The Contest that you weren’t familiar with before seeing them in game? Who was it? Did you dive deeper to know more? I’m really curious to see who else had a moment like this in game.
Now, I know about the Human Torch but I don’t think I ever really recalled reading in the comics about Annihilus. So out of curiosity, I went on a little journey to learn more about him and I’m just amazed by how much more this universe has to offer. My favorite fact for this journey was learning he was created by a spore meant to help create life on a dead planet-- only to become, more or less, an extremely intelligent creature with a single fear (all too real) of death.

(Fantastic Four Annual 1 #6 [1963])
That said, I wanted to drop by and ask if there has ever been a Champion or a character introduced to The Contest that you weren’t familiar with before seeing them in game? Who was it? Did you dive deeper to know more? I’m really curious to see who else had a moment like this in game.
I didn’t know who Emma Frost or omega was
Night thrasher
Task master
Never heard of them until MCOC released them
So yeah, moon knight was the one who made me so interested in the contest.
Are the girls allowed to laugh at you?
taskmaster was the opening game loading screen when i first started playing so he really ended up making an impression on me. i just think he looks so badass. he reminds me visually of SKELETOR who was one of my faves as a kid.
and while i knew just a little about DEADPOOL, the contest definitely made me very familiar with him, he is one of my faves now as well. I still think goldpool is such a great character creation as well, he just tickles me so much. i think he likes it a little too much tho lol!
and on the opposite side, characters i grew up loving but in adulthood had drifted away from but whose presence in the contest reignited my fiery nerd passion, 100% X-MEN BABY!!!! GAMBIT, BEAST!!, NIGHTCRAWLER, bishop, phoenix, magneto, cyclops. ahhh it brings me back. i still have from childhood a little metal posable figure of SABRETOOTH!!
now, if we could just get JUBILEE up in here my life would be complete.
also, in xmen news I am so frikken hyped for the NEW MUTANTS movie!!! especially after finding out that it may or not be inspired by the DEMON BEAR storyline.
speaking of which, I think demon bear would be a super cool addition to the contest when new mutants finally comes out
magik, real name illyana rasputin, is a member of the x-men, as well as Colossus' younger sister. her storyline was fleshed out in 1983 and she then became a member of the New Mutants, with cameos in Uncanny X-Men.
fun fact about magik: she originally looked like a pink version of nightcrawler, complete with forked tail and teleportation abilities.