AI response to user inputs altered

I’m putting this in bugs as I’m gonna give the benefit of the doubt and assume this is accidental, if not we deserve a full explanation on your reasoning for the change.
As many know, there was a way to make the AI pause for a few moments (dash back as they do and immediately throw a light attack into the air) most know it as the “NC trick” though it had many other uses such as triggering hyperions regen, waiting out unstoppable, building charges with nebula. Now since the update, the AI no longer acts in this way, essentially removing this effective strategy from the game.
So pretty simple question, was this intentional or not?
As many know, there was a way to make the AI pause for a few moments (dash back as they do and immediately throw a light attack into the air) most know it as the “NC trick” though it had many other uses such as triggering hyperions regen, waiting out unstoppable, building charges with nebula. Now since the update, the AI no longer acts in this way, essentially removing this effective strategy from the game.
So pretty simple question, was this intentional or not?
Just a couple of examples, as you can see they don’t freeze in place, they trigger their abilities.
Use it vs hyperion - he will trigger his healing for example, but the moment they wait out their timer, or roughly that length of time regardless if they don’t have one, they dive in.
So if this was “an obvious bug” then your team should’ve caught it a long time ago because this has been doing the rounds for a year or two.
I find almost impossible for an "update" or push to specifically aim a certain behavior...unless it's aimed to change that specific behavior.
That said, this won't go overlooked by the community, so i'd advice the Dev team to get back on their steps. Expecially since like alwais there was no notice of any change in champìon's behavior and specifically Nightcrawler.
Not trying to feed a troll here, but this completely changes A TON of fights nodes and character's usefulness and literally how you play the game. This is by far NOT a small change, and as such should have been DEEPLY studied down before providing players with the IDEA of wanting to change it.
I'm still waiting to update my game till I here more about these issues.
I'm on iOS, latest update, iPhone 6s.
How many bugs do you need before just taking back the update and reinstate previous version to work on fixes?
I mean let s try to be straight to the point here. While team “has a few things to be looking into it atm”, said things are breaking the game. Revives and potions are being used in aq and content to sustain and recover from what are bugs (or so you state). The more days passing with the update like it is the more players will be forced to spend units or money to cope up with problems that shouldnt be there.
In the last 24 hrs there s been more posts into the bug section than general chat, and anyone could name at least 10 bugs at a finger s snap time.
TAKE BACK the update and fix it offline. The politic of doing so while jeeping somwthing broken online is just painfully wrong and wont do anything but take more and more people from the game.