Avengers, Assemble! "Quest for the Stones" and "Save the Battlerealm" Events are coming!



  • RaganatorRaganator Member Posts: 2,593 ★★★★★

    Fighting a stacked Domino with a r2 IM is just terrible. Pretty awesome how she turns off arc overload every time.

    Yeah, quite shocking how Cap with his stone may in fact be a better option for the path intended to be run by IM.
  • JOHNOSA1995JOHNOSA1995 Member Posts: 536 ★★
    I finished master but man 😨 epic domino is sooo hard
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  • BowTieJohnBowTieJohn Member Posts: 2,519 ★★★★
    Sounds like I'm only going to do Beginner through Heroic. If time allows maybe try Master.
  • crogscrogs Member Posts: 779 ★★★

    Sounds like I'm only going to do Beginner through Heroic. If time allows maybe try Master.

    Still gets you a bunch of greater crystals, but if you pull **** from them you feel like you just wasted all that time for nothing. At least I did most of it during a tech combat with my 5* IM I sadly have at R4 as I sit and wait and wait and wait to get more tech t4 to R4 SL.
  • Jemster519Jemster519 Member Posts: 210 ★★

    Kabam, plz tell me how a 3 star can do this week's path (mind) as u said they could cause it seems like even 5 star IM is barely useful.

    I ranked my 5* Unduped Iron Man to R3 before this week started. What a mistake. wasted my cats. The shock charges are garbage and no regeneration help since he is un-duped. This event is an absolute joke.
  • RotellyRotelly Member Posts: 774 ★★★
    @Kabam Miike is anyone from kabam listening to feedback from the community on this event?
  • 1captainbob21captainbob2 Member Posts: 14
    This month is a joke the rewards are awful ! I cannot believe that kabam think this is acceptable after last months that really were surpassing their usual dross
  • Crimson8399Crimson8399 Member Posts: 767 ★★★

    Rotelly said:

    @Kabam Miike is anyone from kabam listening to feedback from the community on this event?

    Absolutely! We've gotten a number of takeaways from this event.
    Is one of them to finally fix the AI behavior? With war on this need to be a priority.
  • Kenny292Kenny292 Member Posts: 536 ★★
    I think the soul stone with Cap was actually pretty well designed as a counter for the soul path. I don’t feel the same about the mind stone with IM. Unless we’re all missing something, the only thing he counters on the mind path is Havok’s plasma detonations due to the armor ups. The increased regen on arc overload and shock damage don’t do nearly enough to counter spiked armor. I even tried spamming sp2’s for the taunt to reduce attack and hoped it would help more with both the spiked armor and Domino’s crit failures, but it barely helps. Also, his heavies remove all armor stacks and I think that’s bugged. To me, it reads as he’s supposed to remove armor up buffs based on charge time equal to the amount of shocks he ends up placing. The shock debuffs differ based on charge time, but always removes all armor stacks even if more than the amount of shocks placed.
  • BigbowlrBigbowlr Member Posts: 137 ★★
    Kabam can you please explain how the Mind Stone is supposed to work? Are we meant to build armors and drop useless shocks that deal 5 damage per tic(if they trigger at all which they havent 90% of the time for me), are we meant to spam sp2 for the taunt, are we meant to spam the sp1 for the power drain? The soul stone was pretty straight forward, parry the opponent build up the stings drop a special. The mind stone has so many different things it does and none of them are very good.
    Also was the quest changed between week 1 and 2? Week 1 I was able to use Cap to clear all 3(lower) difficulties using the soul stone strategy(only have a 3* low level cap) but my 4/55 IM doesnt get half his abilities(shocks dont transfer, sp1 doesnt power drain) on any lane outside the specific mind stone lane.
  • Rougeknight87Rougeknight87 Member Posts: 599 ★★★
    Horrible event that really makes no sense. Considering the stage and considering the terrible updates we’ve received lately i genuinely couldn’t be more disappointed. Love the game and the amount of content that’s available, love the community and love the diversity in the MCOC universe both playable and socially but these last couple of months have completely deflated the enthusiasm I had, bounties not withstanding (which you left open to exploitation) its been an unmitigated disaster and a complete let down.
    I know this is dramatic but I got the feels.

    Yours sincerely
    One mightily disappointed marvel fan.
  • Markjv81Markjv81 Member Posts: 1,040 ★★★★

    Rotelly said:

    @Kabam Miike is anyone from kabam listening to feedback from the community on this event?

    Absolutely! We've gotten a number of takeaways from this event.
    How about enlightening us on them, either the soul stone was massively over powered where you could beat epic difficulty item free with an undupe max 3*,4* 3/30 cap or the mind stone is significantly underpowered where to complete item free you would need minimum awakened 5* 4/55 Ironman. It just doesn’t add up.

  • Markjv81Markjv81 Member Posts: 1,040 ★★★★
    With 2 of the next 4 “stoned” champs only being readily available at 2-4* will be interesting to see where this goes, especially considering the announcement implies that the 3* champ we get rewarded from doing epic difficulty quest for the stones is enough to clear epic difficulty save the battlerealm.
  • Goose_81Goose_81 Member Posts: 111
    I was able to do the Soul Stone path in Epic with an R2 5* Cap. Used 1 revive do to an error on my behalf. Wasn't easy but doable. I have an 4/55 duped IM (thanks to a 2015 rank up gem) and can not get past ST on epic. I die to the spiked armor before I can get him down. Strategy was to use the L3 to gain massive amounts of armor buffs and then apply as many shocks as possible. But the damage from those shocks barely make a dent to ST and his regen.

    Cap was able to negate the power gain on his path with his stone. IM would have to be duped and even with the increased regen does not seem to be enough to offset the damage from Spike Armor. Anything I'm missing here or could try to get past this?
  • Tarzan041Tarzan041 Member Posts: 203 ★★

    All this wonderful stuff to help my 4 star roster. Almost everything you get from these 10k crystal are stuff you dont need. My earlier openings were gold and sig stones. This event is not worth the time and effort. Way to go Kabam one of the greatest movies marvel has ever made, you all gave us the worst content.
  • Tarzan041Tarzan041 Member Posts: 203 ★★
    DDD even gave up on the new quest this week. Can one of the kabam testers please make a video and show us how to get through the IM lane.
  • OzFearUsOzFearUs Member Posts: 245
    I don't think this is a bad event at all. I am lucky to have a 5* unduped cap and he is doing some good work. Once I get him to R3 and hawkeye gets his stone (5* r4) the remainder of the content should be cake. I haven't had good luck with the chrystals, 12 opened and no AG yet.
  • SiliyoSiliyo Member Posts: 1,514 ★★★★★
    Wow, did you guys seriously delete my comments with no cause for it? @Kabam Miike
  • Kade7175Kade7175 Member Posts: 304 ★★
    Endgame was amazing. This months quests are not. There was a lot of pressure I'm sure. I saved up money for this month cause I thought thered be awesome deals, and a couple cool events like they did for infinity war. I got the 5* gem. Another tech. My 3rd so far. I opened all the greater Crystal's I could. Got iso and 10k gold. And we still have 33 days. I've cleared all the content I'm going to clear. Wars started back up again so the stress of that is back. We are a gold 3 alli. So I shouldnt feel as stressed as I do. Lol. But the bugs. The bugs have been rough the last couple months. But kabam has done better this year. For sure. So I'm holding out hope they come thru again and show us our money and work do matter to them.
  • Tasty_Yum_YumsTasty_Yum_Yums Member Posts: 444 ★★★
    Siliyo said:

    Wow, did you guys seriously delete my comments with no cause for it? @Kabam Miike

    Same happened to me. I didn’t violate ToS and my comments pertained to this post, but it’s gone because.....?
  • Unknown_SoldierUnknown_Soldier Member Posts: 154 ★★
    The second quest with Mindstone for Classic Iron man is trash! The Mind Stone does NOTHING to make Iron Man Classic any less garbage.........50% more regen for Arch Overload.....ok so u give me 2 lives with a trash champion against DOMINO and HAVOK who both do unavoidable damage. Power Burn with S1...that's nice what does it do to counter Domino crit fail or Havok from gaining plasma so u lose 25% HP.....oh wait Iron Man is all energy attacks so he powers up Havok...ghee thanks!

    "You can use other champs but you'll face a considerable harder challenge " You mean Degen entire match?!

    So choices are use a garbage outdated champ who anyone who has a clue wouldnt have maxed........... and die from unavoidable damage OR

    Use any champ I want and die faster with unavoidable damage....

    All for shards for crystals that may by random luck give you something good.

    At least let us use Vision or Scarlett Witch if your going to have a infinity stone with mediocre boosts!
  • RotellyRotelly Member Posts: 774 ★★★
    @Kabam Miike did anyone actually test this for viability before releasing it and if so what was the targeted scenarios for completion?
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