MCOC and Player Reponsibilties

Dear MCOC team,

Could you please clarify to us what constitute a bug, the exploitation of a bug and where the responsibility lies?

Having played quite a few online games, it’s clear to me that any user who tries to use 3rd party software or make alteration to the game to gain unfair advantages should not be tolerated and should be banned from the game.

However, if there is a design flaw to a particular event/game feature, I would assume it’s the responsibility of the game designers to determine whether it is intended or not, and if and what action should be taken against it. We the players’ sole responsibility is to report anything we believe to be unusually to Kabam either through the forum or the support team directly.

Until now, whenever there is an unintended bug that had an adverse effect to us players, the process seems to follow my assumptions above, and I have been very happy with the way the support team has handled them. I.e Reponses on the forum and from the support teams mostly been swift, and when the anomaly has been confirmed as an unintended, patches were generally put in within a few days. On cases when the bug had a serious negative impact to all the players, we also received compensation rewards.

However, when there is an unintended bug that had a beneficial effect to us players, the process become inconsistent and ambiguous. If I or any player goes into an event map, and see two revives in a single path, I think most of us will be inclined to take that path and the rewards on offer; and if these revives appear again on re-entering the map, I think some of us will be tempted to do that path again until they disappear.
As long an action is within the game design mechanism, it should not be us the players to decide whether it’s intended or not. Those with the upmost morality, may decide to report such an anomaly to Kabam through the forum or the support team, and from there, it should then be dealt in the same way as the adverse bugs. On cases when the bug had a serious positive impact to some players, it should be Kabam’s responsibility to take back some of the extra rewards people received to ensure the fairness of the game (but also consider compensate people for the time and resources they spent in getting these rewards). Once such an action is openly communicated to the players, I doubt many will have much to complain.

Now what I really don’t like is this concept of ‘exploitation’ introduced by you on those players who benefited from your game design flaws. It encouraged us players to turn on each other in the name of fairness of the game, and I have seen tag such ‘cheaters, ‘cancers’, ‘plagues’ been thrown around in the forum, along with other nasty comments that constitute personal attacks on individual players.

We really like the MCOC game, and with the amount of new content that it introduces every month, we understand that there are always going to be design flaws, and the game will need constantly to be twigged, Some of the fixes and unwind could be difficult to achieve and we will try out best to be patient on them; but ultimately this is what we pay any game company for, to ensure the proper function and integrity of a game.

Labelling players who benefited from a game design flaw as ‘cheater’, ‘exploiters, banning and use them as scape goat rather than finding a proper fix to an error in the game is both wrong and unprecedented. With the amount of money people have spent on the game, this could also bring unwanted liabilities to Kabam, something none of us would like to see

And finally, the forum is a place for us players to express our opinions about the game, and seek to bring positive changes to the game. I am not here to offend anyone, so please don’t just delete my post and threaten to close my account (like you did to some of my friends)



  • ChillBabeChillBabe Member Posts: 2
  • edited May 2019
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  • Milano1982Milano1982 Member Posts: 4
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  • Cunning_linguistCunning_linguist Member Posts: 5
    Haji_Saab said:

    I hope countries can put punishments for cheating in games in their statute. Minimum 3 years I would say. Can't stand you lot. Especially the ones like you who try to push the guilt onto others for your morally devoid ways.

    i am suprised that you didnt just propose 'stoning'

    i dont condone cheating as i said at the start. but we need is clear differentiation between cheating and game design flaws; and how bugs should be dealt with consistantly whether it had adverse or benifical effects to the playing community, and how fairlyness can be ensured.

    banning the top 100 'offender' when 10K people gain extra advantage of lesser degree doesnt eactly bring fairness
  • Milano1982Milano1982 Member Posts: 4
    Maybe i didn't play enough games.In wow and others ,if find a bug.They will rewarded the discoverer ,and then give an announcement to others,fix the bug immediately.This is the first time i saw a Game operator make amistake ,and punished the players.Very funny.
  • SummonerNRSummonerNR Member, Guardian Posts: 13,752 Guardian
    Huh ?? So if Kabam takes away the extra rewards that were gained by you running quests repeatedly, over and over, more than intended, you want to have compensation for all the energy refills you used to get those unintended rewards ? And compensation for your time as well (what's your hourly rate ?)

    Although I wish they could have implemented a quick-n-easy “Waiting Period” when joining alliances, that would have also hurt legitimate people looking for new alliances, or those joining ally’s that had been going Solo before.
  • winterthurwinterthur Member Posts: 8,322 ★★★★★
    Let's use an example.

    Summoner ran through 1 path of 6 and receives 💯% of the rewards instead of completion reward.

    Summoner runs 2 path and by now realised, there is a duplicate 💯% rewards again.

    Should Summoner stop or continue to run paths 3 to 6 and get 6 times the reward instead of once?

    Let's say this Summoner does not come to the forum, does not join an alliance. Could the Summoner claim innocence?

    Ban consequence offence because of bug?
  • Eb0ny-O-M4wEb0ny-O-M4w Member Posts: 14,159 ★★★★★
    Haji_Saab said:

    Especially the ones like you who try to push the guilt onto others for your morally devoid ways.


    Also, there is a clear difference between people who took advantage of it, and the people who abused it. You're comparing someone that did it 10 times in the month with someone that did it 500 times in a day (don't take the numbers seriously).
    Either way, if it is just like last times, items will be removed, so it's fine
  • _I__I_ Member Posts: 306
    unknowingly enjoying a bug can be excused. deliberately exploiting a bug is abusing the system to take unfair asvantage n depriving the company of its revenues n making mockery of honest players who plays by rules. so must be punished severely. take away their best champs leave only the likes of kamala khans. lol
  • edited May 2019
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  • DemonzfyreDemonzfyre Member Posts: 22,784 ★★★★★

    Dear MCOC team,

    Could you please clarify to us what constitute a bug, the exploitation of a bug and where the responsibility lies?

    Having played quite a few online games, it’s clear to me that any user who tries to use 3rd party software or make alteration to the game to gain unfair advantages should not be tolerated and should be banned from the game.

    However, if there is a design flaw to a particular event/game feature, I would assume it’s the responsibility of the game designers to determine whether it is intended or not, and if and what action should be taken against it. We the players’ sole responsibility is to report anything we believe to be unusually to Kabam either through the forum or the support team directly.

    Until now, whenever there is an unintended bug that had an adverse effect to us players, the process seems to follow my assumptions above, and I have been very happy with the way the support team has handled them. I.e Reponses on the forum and from the support teams mostly been swift, and when the anomaly has been confirmed as an unintended, patches were generally put in within a few days. On cases when the bug had a serious negative impact to all the players, we also received compensation rewards.

    However, when there is an unintended bug that had a beneficial effect to us players, the process become inconsistent and ambiguous. If I or any player goes into an event map, and see two revives in a single path, I think most of us will be inclined to take that path and the rewards on offer; and if these revives appear again on re-entering the map, I think some of us will be tempted to do that path again until they disappear.
    As long an action is within the game design mechanism, it should not be us the players to decide whether it’s intended or not. Those with the upmost morality, may decide to report such an anomaly to Kabam through the forum or the support team, and from there, it should then be dealt in the same way as the adverse bugs. On cases when the bug had a serious positive impact to some players, it should be Kabam’s responsibility to take back some of the extra rewards people received to ensure the fairness of the game (but also consider compensate people for the time and resources they spent in getting these rewards). Once such an action is openly communicated to the players, I doubt many will have much to complain.

    Now what I really don’t like is this concept of ‘exploitation’ introduced by you on those players who benefited from your game design flaws. It encouraged us players to turn on each other in the name of fairness of the game, and I have seen tag such ‘cheaters, ‘cancers’, ‘plagues’ been thrown around in the forum, along with other nasty comments that constitute personal attacks on individual players.

    We really like the MCOC game, and with the amount of new content that it introduces every month, we understand that there are always going to be design flaws, and the game will need constantly to be twigged, Some of the fixes and unwind could be difficult to achieve and we will try out best to be patient on them; but ultimately this is what we pay any game company for, to ensure the proper function and integrity of a game.

    Labelling players who benefited from a game design flaw as ‘cheater’, ‘exploiters, banning and use them as scape goat rather than finding a proper fix to an error in the game is both wrong and unprecedented. With the amount of money people have spent on the game, this could also bring unwanted liabilities to Kabam, something none of us would like to see

    And finally, the forum is a place for us players to express our opinions about the game, and seek to bring positive changes to the game. I am not here to offend anyone, so please don’t just delete my post and threaten to close my account (like you did to some of my friends)


    If you withdraw money from an ATM and it gives too much because of a glitch and you don't give the money back, who's responsible for it? You know it gave too much money and regardless of the ATM being broken its illegal. And exploiting that glitch for personal gain will get you put in jail.

    Exploiting game bugs for personal gain is clearly written in the ToS. Testing for bugs can be a fairly big task since many of them are device related and I doubt (because I am not 100% sure) they have an example of every device this game is played to test.

    Also why is it on Kabam if people intentionally try and exploit rewards? I am sure they wouldn't have ever thought of the possibility of people alliance hopping just to get extra rewards and they shouldn't have had too. It's these types of players that ruin everything for everyone else.

    Ive never been a proponent of people shaming others for reporting bugs that benefit players. Bugs are bugs no matter who it benefits. Also your friends get posts taken down most likely because their post was talking about accounts and you can't do it here.
  • DemonzfyreDemonzfyre Member Posts: 22,784 ★★★★★
    TRONG94 said:

    Totally agree, saw a similar post today and they deleted it within several minutes, lol.

    Yes taking bounty to earn 1 5* a day is completely wrong. But how the hell can we, as players not game makers, define what "working as intended" is? I mean they could have said in advance of the event, if we earned more than 1k 5* shards per day from bounty, we would get banned. We would be totally fine with it. Just be simply clear.

    We as players always want to get as many rewards as possible, of course within the ToS. So next time, when there is a completely new event, please clarify what it is supposed to work, what maximum rewards each player is allowed to get, and what bugs are.

    Dear Kabam!

    Come on. At some point you have to use common sense. It was clearly done to exploit rewards and anyone acting like this is Kabams fault for not thinking of saying " don't create and alliance hop to gain extra rewards" is wrong. They shouldn't have to say it. Just like ordering a cup of hot coffee, they shouldn't have to tell you its hot.
  • ItsDamienItsDamien Member Posts: 5,626 ★★★★★
    Let's change the situation slightly.

    Say throwing stones was illegal. You didn't know it was illegal. But every day you threw hundreds of stones. Someone saw that you threw hundreds of stones. One day you go to throw another stone and you're arrested because you've been throwing stones. You say "I didn't know I was doing anything wrong".

    Does ignorance excuse the crime committed? No. You're still punished because of it.

    There's a phrase in Latin that's used in Law that goes "ignorantia legis neminem excusat" which means
    "ignorance of law excuses no one". People broke the ToS, or in this case the Law, and regardless of being ignorant or not, they are accountable.
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