Community's Choice: Champion Update



  • zTnzTn Member Posts: 1
    Definitely Colossus
  • DrBruceWayneDrBruceWayne Member Posts: 1,267 ★★★★
    It should be Colossus or Iron Patriot IMO, however Cosmic and Mutant classes are pretty stacked up, but Cosmic more so
  • feferomafeferoma Member Posts: 3

  • Sir_BarkleySir_Barkley Member Posts: 22
    It should be a 2015 champ.
    It should be a champ that is a meme tier in Kabam, but powerfull in the Marvel Universe (Or at least beloved by the fans).
    It should be from a class that has not received a buff yet.
    It should be from one of the less powerfull classes.
    Ideally that already has a 6* version or is up to be released as such.
  • DrZolaDrZola Member Posts: 9,444 ★★★★★

    Not sure why we need a 3 month process to update one champ. Why not just do what you did with Gamora and up them all?

    Gamora took more than 3 months to update.
    Since Gamora was a “stealth” update, can we assume other champs are currently undergoing a similar “stealth” process?

    Dr. Zola
  • Vdh2008Vdh2008 Member Posts: 966 ★★★★

    Not sure why we need a 3 month process to update one champ. Why not just do what you did with Gamora and up them all?

    Gamora took more than 3 months to update.
    That’s not my point. You updated her without an announcement or build up. You guys should honestly be releasing 2-4 champ updates a month with how many truly terrible champs there are.

    You need to prioritize those in the 6* pool first. There is nothing worse than waiting months to get a crystal only to pull a:
    Both cyclops
    Ant man
    Pun 2099
    Hulk buster
    Cap WWII
    black bolt
    King groot
    Jane foster
    King pin
    Thor rags
    Moon knight
    Civil warrior

    This garbage make people want to quit the game. One champ that isn’t even a 6* three months from now doesn’t mater.
    2-4 Champion Updates a month would mean that we can't release a New Champion for over a year. This is not an easy process, takes a lot longer than it may seem. There is almost no difference between reworking a Champion and creating a new one from scratch.

    We are trying to get to do as many of these reworks as we can, but I want to make sure you guys understand that doing them at a pace quicker than we have been or have laid out is not physically possible, and I don't want anybody to get ahead of themselves and think that we'll be able to update a new Champion every month or two.
    I think the issue is that some of these trash tier champs can be "fixed" very easily. You don't need to completely reinvent the wheel here. Add some attack to some that need it. Some armor or fury to others. By all means if you want to select 1 or 2 to "re-design" go ahead, but some of these can be made relevant very easily.

    We are constantly being told that the team that creates new champs is different from the team that fixes bugs, etc, etc. You can easily create new champs AND fix trash tier champs.
  • ContestOfNoobsContestOfNoobs Member Posts: 2,125 ★★★★★

    I vote for my 6* ww2 cap who gets outshine by cap infinity war

    And storm who gets outshine by alot of mutants...

    Everyday...of my mcoc career i wake up to a 6* dupe storm and ww2 cap,

    And the feeling i see when people have corvus....domino...and ghost...some people have 2 or even all 3 lf them..and people who dupped them.

    I am here sitting at how bad my 6* are after 20 pulls. None of them i would r2...

    These champs and alot are are just way to old and not viable these days.

  • kamalnathr1993kamalnathr1993 Member Posts: 18
    Hey Guys,
    We know that many get useless six star champions.
    After Cyclops getting added to the six star poll. Many were dissatisfied.
    There aren't that many six stars that you can get. So getting one we wish it to be good. So if Cyclops if buffed to high demi or God tier,it would be nice.
    2015 rank up gems also will be useful.
    He also shares synergy with havok and is a part of mutant synergy team. It would be nice to have another good champ on the mutant synergy team other than the main one.

    That's basically why I fell that they should buff Cyclops
    Any Cyclops would be good but wishing for both.
    So pls mcoc team pls pls buff cyclops
  • WarriorDog06WarriorDog06 Member Posts: 49
    Guys we can all agree that it’s about time venompool gets a buff come on venom and carnage got one why didn’t he?????
  • MX333MX333 Member Posts: 1
    Easy, Groot! He wields Thor’s hammer in infinity war ...
  • ramanshramansh Member Posts: 96
    howard the duck
  • Sir_BarkleySir_Barkley Member Posts: 22
    Dr. Strange and release him as a 5*/6*.
    Magnetos (both)
    Cyclops (both)
    Iron Man
    Captain America

  • Umar7Umar7 Member Posts: 44
    @Kabam Miike why is Ant-Man not on the list. He's already got 2 separate movies and played major role in Avengers endgame, yet he is still the most worthless and useless champion in the game. Unbelievable.
  • luispmntluispmnt Member Posts: 6
    Coloso merece unas mejoras, deberia ser muy resistente pero muchos ya lo dejan atras
  • Corby11Corby11 Member Posts: 185 ★★
    Lol yes to get back on topic, colossus
  • Padre_PiffPadre_Piff Member Posts: 1
    How about Thanos???
  • tkhan08tkhan08 Member Posts: 189 ★★
    Although, i really wanted to see different champs like Jane Foster, Cap WW2, IF, etc. to get buffs but I appreciate Kabam asking players. That's a good gesture.
  • Whododo872Whododo872 Member Posts: 1,042 ★★★
    BigDog34 said:

    None of these champs are 6*... Once again the game isn't moving forward. You constantly add the weakest of the weak champs to the 6* pool and majority of player pull these champs. Then when it's rework time they get ignored.

    OML is available as a 6*, you know...
  • _I__I_ Member Posts: 306
    colossus wins my vote. I love him actually. he is bleed imune. also to be noted that he is one gate of act buffing him will help new players clear that content more easily.
  • Whododo872Whododo872 Member Posts: 1,042 ★★★
    Umar7 said:

    @Kabam Miike why is Ant-Man not on the list. He's already got 2 separate movies and played major role in Avengers endgame, yet he is still the most worthless and useless champion in the game. Unbelievable.

    So the quantum trinity’s buffs to antman are completely useless...?
  • HandsomeJasHandsomeJas Member Posts: 24
    Old Man Logan or Colossus
  • rischiorischio Member Posts: 163
    I am Groot
  • LibertyPrimeV1LibertyPrimeV1 Member Posts: 4,179 ★★★★★
    Ooo... I'm tempted to go Iron Patriot because he was my First 5 Star and is still my only Tech 5 Star, with 9 T4 Tech Catalysts collecting dust in my Stash...

    But Colossus does deserve a Buff after all this time and being one of the biggest Jokes in the game, like come on he's one of the most durable Characters in Marvel Comics... (Also I just so happen have a 5 Star Colossus and a 5 Star Mutant Awakening Gem...) And we do NEED Colossus' Sp3 to be made "The Fast Ball Special", I feel like it's an insult to the Comics to not include one of the most iconic X-Men Fighting Moves in a Marvel Fighting Game!
  • LibertyPrimeV1LibertyPrimeV1 Member Posts: 4,179 ★★★★★

    Ooo... I'm tempted to go Iron Patriot because he was my First 5 Star and is still my only Tech 5 Star, with 9 T4 Tech Catalysts collecting dust in my Stash...

    But Colossus does deserve a Buff after all this time and being one of the biggest Jokes in the game, like come on he's one of the most durable Characters in Marvel Comics... (Also I just so happen have a 5 Star Colossus and a 5 Star Mutant Awakening Gem...) And we do NEED Colossus' Sp3 to be made "The Fast Ball Special", I feel like it's an insult to the Comics to not include one of the most iconic X-Men Fighting Moves in a Marvel Fighting Game!

    Not to mention if Colossus gets Buffed then Unstoppable Colossus will have to be put on the Radar to be Buffed at some point.
  • DrOctavius2_2DrOctavius2_2 Member Posts: 434 ★★
    Groot since he is a XL bleed immune champ, and will help many complete Variant 2
  • bagginsbaggins Member Posts: 51

    OML is available as a 6*, you know...

    Where he at?

  • Kabam LyraKabam Lyra Member Posts: 2,936 ★★★★
    Do the right thing. Vote Ms. Marvel.

  • HenriqueSCCPHenriqueSCCP Member Posts: 420 ★★★
    @Kabam Miike
    Forgot to put on the list 2 more super garbage, Iron Man and Superior Iron Man (powerful armor in Comics), these are not good for anything as well.
    And if you upgrade the Colossus, the basic skills should also put in the Unstoppable Colossus, since it is the same champion, as well as the Unstoppable Colossus being a stronger version of Colossus.
  • BahamutBahamut Member Posts: 2,307 ★★★★
    edited May 2019
    -The oldest champion on the list, so most people have him as a 4 or 5*.
    -He has literally no offensive utility or way to increase his damage.
    -His only defensive utility is Armor Up, which is never helpful on offense OR defense, and Bleed Immunity, and how many champions are there with Bleed Immunity nowadays?
    -His synergies with Omega and Emma barely make a difference, and most people don’t have them as 4 or 5*s anyway.

    Or Kamala Khan, she’s definitely the worst one on here other than Colossus, or Iron Patriot or Magneto since they’ve been around for awhile too. But Colossus would be the best choice imo.

    Edit: And as ChuckRyan pointed out, 2015 awakening gems.
  • Kabam ZibiitKabam Zibiit Administrator Posts: 7,033

    I gotta give my vote to Kamala Khan! She is one of my all-time favorite characters! I actually talked about her so much to an old professor of mine that she added Ms. Marvel Vol. 1 to the curriculum for the Worldbuilding in Literature class that she taught. Part of the reason I loved reading her comic was that she is just as big a fan of Marvel's heroes as we are; she's as excited about teaming up with Spider-Man or Wolverine as any of us would be. She's also probably one of the few heroes who are as big a gamer as everyone here is (when hero-work doesn't cut into her game time).

    Her character arcs are always fascinating as well, Usually, the coolest moment in a hero's story is when they join the Avengers, but for me, one of the most inspiring moments of her arc was when she walked away from the team. She achieved her dream and had a been a member of the Avengers for a while but, after seeing them get into another Superhero Civil War and feeling like they weren't doing enough to help the little people she left with other younger Avengers and formed their own team, the Champions to look out for the little people who can so often get overlooked in larger cosmic conflicts.

    Her animations in the game are already pretty dope; the way she grows while charging her heavy attack is one of my favorite animations. She also has some really interesting powers that could be fun in the game, given that she can grow to giant size, shrink, stretch, and reshape herself to find creative solutions to fights. She is a huge fan of, and has had interesting team-ups with, plenty of heroes, so there are any number of champs she could theoretically synergize with too. She even impressed Loki enough that he warded her school with runes that summon Lightning Golems to defend it. (Honestly, have no idea if that could be incorporated in the game in any way, I just think it is cool that she just has some Lightning Golems casually guarding her school because of one meeting with Loki.)
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