Map 7 Omega Red Regenerating Damage From Unfinished SP3

Device and Version: iPhone XR
Device Operating System: iOS 12.2
Mobile Carrier: Verizon
Cellular or WiFi: WiFi
Game Version Installed: 23.0.1
Game Mode: Alliance Quest, Map 7
Champions Affected: Proxima Midnight
Active Boosts: None
Description of the Issue: Proxima Midnight lands the 1st hit of her sp3 before time runs out. Omega Red has full health after the fight ends, this is not the case with sp1s or sp2s.
Screenshot or Video:
Device Operating System: iOS 12.2
Mobile Carrier: Verizon
Cellular or WiFi: WiFi
Game Version Installed: 23.0.1
Game Mode: Alliance Quest, Map 7
Champions Affected: Proxima Midnight
Active Boosts: None
Description of the Issue: Proxima Midnight lands the 1st hit of her sp3 before time runs out. Omega Red has full health after the fight ends, this is not the case with sp1s or sp2s.
Screenshot or Video:

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Video doesn't seem to be exactly that, as opponent Omega Red does lose most of his Health from the first part of the SP3 before the timeout happens. Not sure why he comes out of fight with all his health back. Unless losing health during the animation is just visual and technically in background all health is lost at same time at the very end of SP3 (which if interrupted from timeout would then be as if no damage was done) ??
"- There is an issue where it is possible for a fight to time out during a Special 3 animation. This will be resolved in an upcoming update."
The damage from a SP3 is applied all at once as one hit at the end of the attack. (This is why you see the damage from a SP3 pop up as one big number at the end of the attack.) Combined with the issue where fights can time out during the SP3 animation, this is causing the damage to not be applied until the fight has ended. The good news is that this issue will be resolved in an upcoming update!