Should Arena HELPS just be totally removed ? (Only Use Help for Quest Energy)

Kabam can not switch to doing a HELP ALL because it would cause too much of an impact on servers (causing more slowness, lagging, etc).. So, should even the existing HELP system for ARENAS just be totally done away with ?? No more hassle with constantly asking for Help for every hero when doing arena, or having to plow thru tons of giving Arena helps before actually giving help to those needing Quest Energy at the very bottom (or scrolling all the way down just to help those ppl).
So I propose the HELP system be limited to ONLY Help for Quest Energy. Would need to adjust the metrics so that the overall Loyalty would come out comparable each day. Maybe let Energy Helps have up to 20 instead of 10, while reverting each Help back to giving just 1 energy each, and changing the Loyalty earned up to like 50 or 100 Loyalty per Help (still max at 1000 a day). Or whatever other numbers-wise would work out.
Please Vote and comment, the more replies the better chance that Kabam might consider this.
So I propose the HELP system be limited to ONLY Help for Quest Energy. Would need to adjust the metrics so that the overall Loyalty would come out comparable each day. Maybe let Energy Helps have up to 20 instead of 10, while reverting each Help back to giving just 1 energy each, and changing the Loyalty earned up to like 50 or 100 Loyalty per Help (still max at 1000 a day). Or whatever other numbers-wise would work out.
Please Vote and comment, the more replies the better chance that Kabam might consider this.
Should Arena HELPS just be totally removed ? (Only Use Help for Quest Energy) 10 votes