Continue to Explore the Battlerealm with Carina in Act 6 Chapter 2!



  • TheTalentsTheTalents Member Posts: 2,254 ★★★★★
    edited June 2019
    Double health from 6.1 is obviously a ramp up in difficulty that makes no sense with numbers or scaling. What is the purpose of continuing this obvious lie when you're going to be forced to admit you were wrong just like with the new map 7 nodes? Also, when you have nodes that passively take your health without being hit, if the opponent has 100k more health than they should that is an the definition of a difficulty ramp up.
  • Crimson8399Crimson8399 Member Posts: 767 ★★★
    Also shouldn't the title of this thread be Continue to explore the battlerealm so long as you have the proper champion restictions?
  • TheTalentsTheTalents Member Posts: 2,254 ★★★★★
    Agreed, when you have a big events like Labyrinth of Legends we understand not being able to complete it right away but this has never been the case for story mode. We take all this time to rank 5 certain champions and the nodes you have make them unusable which takes the fun out the game. More than that though the indestructible charges with a small window remove it with precise skill isn't fun either, its no different from nameless Thanos from the monthly event but instead The Champion 6.2.6 boss has 5 charges. Why not one?
  • Finalflash8Finalflash8 Member Posts: 72
    Its laughable that the PI jump from 6.2.2 and 6.2.3 is "working as intended". Sure looks like you guys didnt "intend" to have a massive PI jump based on the original announcement. And now you're covering up a mistake by the game team and tell us to deal with it. @Kabam Miike
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  • Ascoop24Ascoop24 Member Posts: 128 ★★★

    SparkAlot said:

    MCOC Team said:


    Here is an approximation of PI ranges you should expect to encounter in each Quest:

    Quest 1
    Paths: ~24,000-30,000 PI
    Boss: ~50,000 PI

    Quest 2
    Paths: ~26,000-32,000 PI
    Boss: ~60,000 PI

    Quest 3
    Paths: ~28,000-34,000 PI
    Boss: ~70,000 PI

    Quest 4
    Paths: ~30,000-36,000 PI
    Boss: ~80,000 PI

    Quest 5
    Paths: ~32,000-38,000 PI
    Boss: ~90,000 PI

    Quest 6
    Paths: ~34,000-40,000 PI
    Boss: ~100,000 PI

    So, these will now change here, but the rewards will stay the same, even though the difficulty was ramped up?
    The Difficulty was not ramped up. The Difficulty for this content was based on the Numbers in game. That is what was tested by both our Beta Testers, and internal testing.
    How can you honestly say that a section having double the health and attack then the other sections isn’t more difficult or was intended? Just by the very nature of a opponent having double the health means the fight is twice as long and can easily lead to a mistake that kills you. I can’t understand how a champ in that section like og Thor could have more health the OR the boss. Seems pretty messed up to me.
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  • xNigxNig Member Posts: 7,336 ★★★★★

    Double health from 6.1 is obviously a ramp up in difficulty that makes no sense with numbers or scaling. What is the purpose of continuing this obvious lie when you're going to be forced to admit you were wrong just like with the new map 7 nodes? Also, when you have nodes that passively take your health without being hit, if the opponent has 100k more health than they should that is an the definition of a difficulty ramp up.

    You also forget that the global node gives you up to 70% increased attack, or double Crit Damage.
  • AristosCorpAristosCorp Member Posts: 10
    The Mister Sinister fight comes across as requiring Endgame-level Summoners to have very specific teams (not merely rosters), such as Heimdall and either Angela or Hela for synergies only, plus Nebula or Hulk (Ragnarok). I have not seen a reliable counter otherwise mentioned.

    I am aware that people have suggested Hulk, Medusa, Vision (albeit he is essentially a pay-to-own champion, especially awakened — and still requires the Heimdall+Angela/Hela synergy), and Hyperion. However, the reliability of these four alternatives is debatable. I’m fine with spending units to revive several times to get through a boss, or any particular defender if it’s necessary for completion. Yet, Mister Sinister in 6.2.2 is another story.

    6.1 held no obstacles that were unfairly challenging for me regarding completion. I’ve noticed some of the beta-testers mention that “if you can’t beat it, just wait and build your roster.” How many 5* crystals will it take to get Heimdall? He could be in the next one I open, or it could be 100 crystals later.

    Exploration for 6.2 is reasonable for the highest level Summoners, and I can understand that. I accepted that 6.1 exploration is likely out of my roster range for a year or two.

    However, now it appears as if 6.2 completion is going to be more of a challenge for me than 6.1 exploration, simply because I lack one 5/6* roster component: Heimdall. Not to play with, mind you, but to sit on my team for the sake of having a synergy that allows other specific champions to be viable against 6.2.2 Mister Sinister. Caustic Temper should be removed and replaced with something less restrictive. I’m aware there has already been a switch from Buffed up to Caustic Temper.
  • Robby199696Robby199696 Member Posts: 85
    The champion boss fight is bugged I stacked over 5 prowess with CapIW and did no damage with specials
  • Robby199696Robby199696 Member Posts: 85
    What’s up with this
  • Fred_JoeityFred_Joeity Member Posts: 1,170 ★★★
    If the Champion has indestructible charges, then you won’t do any damage
  • Robby199696Robby199696 Member Posts: 85
    I know that I used an l3 when he had 0 and then it reset his charges
  • Fred_JoeityFred_Joeity Member Posts: 1,170 ★★★
    Then that might be the bug everyone’s talking about.
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  • TheTalentsTheTalents Member Posts: 2,254 ★★★★★
    I'm waiting until Sunday to see if Kabam fixes the PI or the block damage that can take 36k health away in 5 hits or the indestructible bug to attempt to finish the Champion in act 6.2.6 again.
  • Crimsontide1616Crimsontide1616 Member Posts: 303 ★★
    Apparently the bug with the champion boss fight is: after you remove the 5 indestructible charges you would need to then have a fury buff and fire the special 3 to do any damage - this is what I am seeing anyways. Can kabam confirm !?
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  • Kabam MiikeKabam Miike Moderator Posts: 8,268

    Early next week, we will be pushing the following Bug Fixes and Changes to Act 6 Chapter 2:

    - Fixed an issue where Backblast was activating when a Critical Hit exceeded 3% of the Opponent’s Maximum HP, instead of 5%
    - Fixed an issue where Mr Sinister in 6.2.2 was Regenerating more than he should be from Critical Hits.
    - Fixed an issue where Deadpool is inflicting Degeneration from Icarus when he should not be.

    We are continuing to investigate a reported issue regarding The Champion Boss battle in 6.2.6 not receiving damage in his final phase when his indestructible charges have been depleted.

    Additionally, we will be adjusting the Health and Damage ratings for a number of Defenders in Quests 3 and 4. While the difficulty of these Defenders is what was tested and the Quest was tuned for, Summoners are finding them to be more difficult than we would like.

    These Bug Fixes and Changes will be coming early next week, but we wanted to inform you of them now so that you can make educated decisions on how you’d like to proceed.

    Any 100% Completion Legends Runs of Act 6 Chapter 2 will be handled with our "extra" Legends protocol. We'll treat pre and post-fix separately and give out extra Legends rewards as we have in previous situations. We are still evaluating how that will be calculated, and cannot give details at this time. These will not take the place of those that complete their Legends Run after the fixes are live, but will receive rewards indicative of their position.

    Compensation will be provided for those that have completed this content while it was in its more difficult state after we have investigated how many Summoners were affected, and how they were affected.

    We do not have an exact time or date for these fixes yet, but will announce that after we have tested these fixes, and ready to push them live.

    Thank you all for your patience and understanding.
  • jnikolas92jnikolas92 Member Posts: 192 ★★★
    big props guys. appreciate that players have been listened to on this stuff.
    honestly grateful for how yall have reacted since the release.
  • Propane722Propane722 Member Posts: 15
    Will there be compensation for anyone who tried 6.2.2 (Sinister fight) but backed out because the revives were becoming too much and expensive?
  • OrdalcaOrdalca Member Posts: 543 ★★★

    Any 100% Completion Legends Runs of Act 6 Chapter 2 will be handled with our "extra" Legends protocol. We'll treat pre and post-fix separately and give out extra Legends rewards as we have in previous situations. We are still evaluating how that will be calculated, and cannot give details at this time. These will not take the place of those that complete their Legends Run after the fixes are live, but will receive rewards indicative of their position.

    Will this include the prize champion after 6.4?
  • Kabam MiikeKabam Miike Moderator Posts: 8,268

    Will there be compensation for anyone who tried 6.2.2 (Sinister fight) but backed out because the revives were becoming too much and expensive?

    Nothing has been determined at this time. We have not started to explore that yet, because our priority is getting these Fixes and Changes out as soon as possible.
  • ElementalSummonElementalSummon Member Posts: 9

    Early next week, we will be pushing the following Bug Fixes and Changes to Act 6 Chapter 2:

    - Fixed an issue where Backblast was activating when a Critical Hit exceeded 3% of the Opponent’s Maximum HP, instead of 5%
    - Fixed an issue where Mr Sinister in 6.2.2 was Regenerating more than he should be from Critical Hits.
    - Fixed an issue where Deadpool is inflicting Degeneration from Icarus when he should not be.

    We are continuing to investigate a reported issue regarding The Champion Boss battle in 6.2.6 not receiving damage in his final phase when his indestructible charges have been depleted.

    Additionally, we will be adjusting the Health and Damage ratings for a number of Defenders in Quests 3 and 4. While the difficulty of these Defenders is what was tested and the Quest was tuned for, Summoners are finding them to be more difficult than we would like.

    These Bug Fixes and Changes will be coming early next week, but we wanted to inform you of them now so that you can make educated decisions on how you’d like to proceed.

    Any 100% Completion Legends Runs of Act 6 Chapter 2 will be handled with our "extra" Legends protocol. We'll treat pre and post-fix separately and give out extra Legends rewards as we have in previous situations. We are still evaluating how that will be calculated, and cannot give details at this time. These will not take the place of those that complete their Legends Run after the fixes are live, but will receive rewards indicative of their position.

    Compensation will be provided for those that have completed this content while it was in its more difficult state after we have investigated how many Summoners were affected, and how they were affected.

    We do not have an exact time or date for these fixes yet, but will announce that after we have tested these fixes, and ready to push them live.

    Thank you all for your patience and understanding.
    Flag Quote · Insightful Agree Like Awesome LOL

    Will the compensation be given to those who attempted the content to clear it eg I got all the way to mr sinister but had to quit because I knew I couldn’t defeat him but I’d spent some revives on him attempting it @Kabam Miike also is that all the changes that are going made but is there going to be more changes to the Caustic temper node
  • Kabam MiikeKabam Miike Moderator Posts: 8,268
    Ordalca said:

    Any 100% Completion Legends Runs of Act 6 Chapter 2 will be handled with our "extra" Legends protocol. We'll treat pre and post-fix separately and give out extra Legends rewards as we have in previous situations. We are still evaluating how that will be calculated, and cannot give details at this time. These will not take the place of those that complete their Legends Run after the fixes are live, but will receive rewards indicative of their position.

    Will this include the prize champion after 6.4?
    If you time qualifies, yes. But this does not mean that everybody that beats it 100% before the fix will qualify for the Legends. We're still evaluating how we will determine this at this time.
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