Android: cant trade corals for next Tier and no atlantean crystals to buy

first off a fellow alliance member on iOS is able to trade 10k of lower atlantean corals for 5k of the next Tier in the Shop under the featured Item tab.

For me it just Shows the profile pictures to buy

Also when clicking on corals in my inventoryi it says i can buy atlantean crystals in exchange for the corals. Cant find those anywhere. Is this just an old lable or am i missing something ?

first off a fellow alliance member on iOS is able to trade 10k of lower atlantean corals for 5k of the next Tier in the Shop under the featured Item tab.

For me it just Shows the profile pictures to buy

Also when clicking on corals in my inventoryi it says i can buy atlantean crystals in exchange for the corals. Cant find those anywhere. Is this just an old lable or am i missing something ?

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