AQ Season 6 Map 5 Miniboss

What are the miniboss possibilities in Map 5? According to an earlier post, we were supposed to get Morningstar, Hyperion, and Scarlet Witch. 5th AQ just started yesterday, and we have not yet seen Scarlet Witch. Has she been removed as a possible miniboss for Map 5? @Kabam Miike or anyone else, could you
please comment on this query.
please comment on this query.
I thought there was a rotation among the 3 mini bosses. Have they become random?
A simple 3 week rotation is obviously too hard to do.
I really hate the Hype mini so it's frustrating it's every other week with him.. I know there are certain counters, but when you run War at the same time, some of those counters get locked. (I have a full 5* magik that sits on D so I either have to replace her with someone on defense or work with someone else). Some of those counters are only available as 4 stars and can do so much before his standing corner with his arms crossed catches up to you.
1st week: Hyperion
2nd week: Morningstar
3rd week: Scarlet witch
And then rotate. I see no problem or any kind of hindrance of the DEV team to rewrite the system.