Was enemy AI intentionally changed to make backdraft intercepts no longer workable?

Yes or no - we need a clear answer. While I can understand that it may take time to locate and replicate this bug (if it is a bug), it should be possible to tell instantly whether there was ever an intention to change the enemy AI. Let's solve this issue one step at a time.
For a moderator's response please.
For a moderator's response please.
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In other words, the backdraft intercept technique enabled summoners to get reliable intercepts on most opponents when they were stun immune, or for whatever reason you needed to get an intercept in (Eg, thanos in endgame event).
Yet since that update, this technique does not work. If you do the steps I listed, and the enemy does dash into you, they will almost always hit you before you hit them. In other words, whereas previous throwing the light attack would result in you hitting them before they hit you, now they hit you before you hit them with your light attack.
Something about the timing has changed. It has been discussed as a bug for the longest time without seemingly getting anywhere. So I'm now wondering if we can at least get a confirmation that there was no intentional AI change (since in recent days I've seen that been thrown up as a possible explanation by some forum members).
I think so too in some scenarios as I was using backdraft intercept frequently before.
I think you are talking about something else.
What is reflected as a known issue in the 23.0 update refers to a separate intercepting technique that is very similar but actually different. That technique I shall call "wall-bouncing". Basically it works by doing 3-4 hits into an enemy (not into their block), dashing back and then dashing back in for the intercept. Although it is called the wall bounce, it technically can work even when the opponent is not up against the wall. However, the risk with this technique when the opponent is not against the wall is that it might not work, and you might get punished.
The wall bounce technique was broken also around the same time as the endgame patch. However this was shortly after fixed, probably in the 23.0 patch update as you have pointed out.
The technique that I am referring to - the backdraft intercept technique - does not involve hitting the opponent, but instead hits into their block. Also, because it works by throwing a light attack, it does not require the opponent to have their backs up against the wall. For this reason, the backdraft intercept technique is a lot more versatile and reliable than the wall bounce technique.
The backdraft intercept technique was broken around the same time as the wall bounce intercept technique, but it was unfortunately never fixed together with the wall bounce technique.
As for your last allegation - no I am not looking for confirmation of a conspiracy. In fact I am giving every opportunity to clear up and prevent any such conspiracy theory from arising in the first place. The conspiracy theory, if any, is that Kabam is secretly modifying AI to make certain techniques not workable. I am giving them the clear chance to state for the record that this change was not intended, and therefore quash any conspiracy theory in the nub.
If the latter was the case then that explains why the performance boost the game saw a few months back caused backdrafters to have difficulties.
You're giving them the opportunity to end a conspiracy? That's kind of you.
I don't understand either why I should want them to "intend not to change it back". I would actually very much like them to revert the game to how it was for the past 4 years so I can go back to doing my backdraft intercepts which was a mainstay of my toolkit against stun immune champs. And you too - what are you talking about referring to "someone else's conspiracy"? I am not calling anyone out here. It seems to me that you aren't aware of the nuances and the differences involved between the two intercepting techniques that I have referred to.