I let my 18 y/o Niece use...

ContestOfNoobsContestOfNoobs Member Posts: 2,130 ★★★★★
edited July 2019 in General Discussion
She used my Phone, after she was done she got bored, and as a marvel fan she saw the game and loaded up
Marvel Contest of Champion,
She played on my phone, did some single player content and did some arena.

Good thing i set a lock on my photos, cant let her see all my nsfw mcoc war vids

Then she downloaded the game on her account,

she got stuck in the boss in act 1, and asked me for help, so she gave me her phone and i beat boss for her, i even played on her phone showing her how to play,

she thank me, and said she will get better, and asked me to beat hard content for her whenever we meet up again.

next week passes by there is a family party!! and they had wifi!

i meet up with my niece, she asked me to beat some bosses and even new hard monthly event boss!

So her 20 y/o brother and some of his friend was watching, they asked if they to play on her phone for the game and they did,

So i played on my account, and someone wanted to see my roster, they saw i have 5* corvus and they said wow hes in her to? i saw him in marvel movie!

i told him, corvus is 1 of the best champs in the game and him being a being marvel fan asked if he could try him out, and i did,

after the party some did download and try the game, they played for few hours and even asked me to play for them when they got stuck.

as the party ended, new mcoc players was born.

As i headed home, and went to sleep, i just woke up from a nightmare that kabam knows i just commited a crime...

i let people used my account!! And as i type this, why am i letting them know....but
basically i account shared, but how would you know ?

Example,I even seen some youtuber spin crystal for other in public meetups, boom account share!
but...you dont even know if other people there actually meet up in real life to you know... play on other people accounts.
not everyone is as skilled or on same level, so u could easily meet up with someone in real life and they could play on someone else accounts! just like my family party!!

You dont even know if i actually hired her to do arena or play content for me!
You dont even know if this story is true or maybe you guys are always watching us!

ALSO a particular top account goes on sale

so now you guys send a warning message?

NEWS flash kabam.


Buy Fraud/Shady Units, people still use this practice, yet you they break real life laws, but only get "time" banned for basically using identify theft. Yet people get slap on wrist "timeout" time upwards to 30 days. Even though people have gotten away with thousands of dollars.

Buy Mercs to do hard content, this has been going on forever, mercs would do LOL for people for $ back in the day and they still do it now

Buy and usa arena bots, there are people who legitimely do arena and there are those who uses arena bots and arena mercs aswel, There has been bots where u can even KO champs in 1 hit, and i still see low level accounts who 100% lol and rol. Yet in most cases those accounts get ignored

Buy Pilots, Sure it was everywhere back in AW season 1 and even to this day allaince still get dock, but people ARE STILL piloting others in AQ, and mercs DO get hired to do single player content stuff.

Buy Accounts, yes this has been going on for along time, and even in other games, even in better higher platforms Pc,Ps4,Xbox accounts DO get sold on daily basis, All you need to do is look up Overwatch,League of Legends,Apex Legends and even World of Warcraft accounts, People even sell warcraft GOLD!

Mcoc accounts go on sale all the time. Some dude i know bought a stacked account with 40+ 6*'s. But you didnt care, and hes been playing on it for over 1 year.

So to send this message and say ur willing to banned people,
when there has been unlawful real life crimes being commited to someone using a bot script to do arena for them.
but you dont banned them.


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  • Skillful_starSkillful_star Member Posts: 761 ★★★

    She used my Phone, after she was done she got bored, and as a marvel fan she saw the game and loaded up
    Marvel Contest of Champion,
    She played on my phone, did some single player content and did some arena.

    Good thing i set a lock on my photos, cant let her see all my nsfw mcoc war vids

    Then she downloaded the game on her account,

    she got stuck in the boss in act 1, and asked me for help, so she gave me her phone and i beat boss for her, i even played on her phone showing her how to play,

    she thank me, and said she will get better, and asked me to beat hard content for her whenever we meet up again.

    next week passes by there is a family party!! and they had wifi!

    i meet up with my niece, she asked me to beat some bosses and even new hard monthly event boss!

    So her 20 y/o brother and some of his friend was watching, they asked if they to play on her phone for the game and they did,

    So i played on my account, and someone wanted to see my roster, they saw i have 5* corvus and they said wow hes in her to? i saw him in marvel movie!

    i told him, corvus is 1 of the best champs in the game and him being a being marvel fan asked if he could try him out, and i did,

    after the party some did download and try the game, they played for few hours and even asked me to play for them when they got stuck.

    as the party ended, new mcoc players was born.

    As i headed home, and went to sleep, i just woke up from a nightmare that kabam knows i just commited a crime...

    i let people used my account!! And as i type this, why am i letting them know....but
    basically i account shared, but how would you know ?

    Example,I even seen some youtuber spin crystal for other in public meetups, boom account share!
    but...you dont even know if other people there actually meet up in real life to you know... play on other people accounts.
    not everyone is as skilled or on same level, so u could easily meet up with someone in real life and they could play on someone else accounts! just like my family party!!

    You dont even know if i actually hired her to do arena or play content for me!
    You dont even know if this story is true or maybe you guys are always watching us!

    ALSO a particular top account goes on sale

    so now you guys send a warning message?

    NEWS flash kabam.


    Buy Fraud/Shady Units, people still use this practice, yet you they break real life laws, but only get "time" banned for basically using identify theft. Yet people get slap on wrist "timeout" time upwards to 30 days. Even though people have gotten away with thousands of dollars.

    Buy Mercs to do hard content, this has been going on forever, mercs would do LOL for people for $ back in the day and they still do it now

    Buy and usa arena bots, there are people who legitimely do arena and there are those who uses arena bots and arena mercs aswel, There has been bots where u can even KO champs in 1 hit, and i still see low level accounts who 100% lol and rol. Yet in most cases those accounts get ignored

    Buy Pilots, Sure it was everywhere back in AW season 1 and even to this day allaince still get dock, but people ARE STILL piloting others in AQ, and mercs DO get hired to do single player content stuff.

    Buy Accounts, yes this has been going on for along time, and even in other games, even in better higher platforms Pc,Ps4,Xbox accounts DO get sold on daily basis, All you need to do is look up Overwatch,League of Legends,Apex Legends and even World of Warcraft accounts, People even sell warcraft GOLD!

    Mcoc accounts go on sale all the time. Some dude i know bought a stacked account with 40+ 6*'s. But you didnt care, and hes been playing on it for over 1 year.

    So to send this message and say ur willing to banned people,
    when there has been unlawful real life crimes being commited to someone using a bot script to do arena for them.
    but you dont banned them.

    So you "probably" fabricated this entire story just to say that it's unfair for them to ban people and not others?
    Wellhell yeah it isn't ...but I mean since when were kabam "fair"
  • Duke_SilverDuke_Silver Member Posts: 2,421 ★★★★
    edited July 2019
    lol I remember the other story you wrote too
    “Kabam is always watching”
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,438 Guardian
    News flash. Your news flash is not news.
  • Duke_SilverDuke_Silver Member Posts: 2,421 ★★★★
    Out here like it’s Big Brother from 1984 😂
  • ContestOfNoobsContestOfNoobs Member Posts: 2,130 ★★★★★
    DNA3000 said:

    News flash. Your news flash is not news.

    aprrarently it is, since they sent us and ingame message to remind us, account doing stuff to your account
  • edited July 2019
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  • winterthurwinterthur Member Posts: 8,322 ★★★★★
    Will this thread be deleted?
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,967 ★★★★★
    edited July 2019

    DNA3000 said:

    News flash. Your news flash is not news.

    aprrarently it is, since they sent us and ingame message to remind us, account doing stuff to your account
    They sent a Message to remind ALL people that selling and transferring Accounts is against TOS. Just the same as any other Account Sharing is against TOS. You're stating that you've done it on many occasions, but that doesn't change the fact that it is against TOS. Neither do the other violations you've listed. You could do it 1000 times and not get nabbed for it, and it would still be against TOS. No amount of people doing it will make it allowed. If and when they hold people responsible for it, it will still be against TOS.
  • ContestOfNoobsContestOfNoobs Member Posts: 2,130 ★★★★★
    edited July 2019

    DNA3000 said:

    News flash. Your news flash is not news.

    aprrarently it is, since they sent us and ingame message to remind us, account doing stuff to your account
    They sent a Message to remind ALL people that selling and transferring Accounts is against TOS. Just the same as any other Account Sharing is against TOS. You're stating that you've done it on many occasions, but that doesn't change the fact that it is against TOS. Neither do the other violations you've listed. You could do it 1000 times and not get nabbed for it, and it would still be against TOS. No amount of people doing it will make it allowed. If and when they hold people responsible for it, it will still be against TOS.
    lol they reminded us BECAUSE OF 1 ACCOUNT,

    like i stated in my post,
    "ALSO a particular top account goes on sale"

    there are picture a picture of a certain "account" being sold around chatrooms, a certain top account in the game is being sold,


    the fact they are "randomly" reminding u about accounts now, is because of that 1 account.
  • Lt_Magnum_1Lt_Magnum_1 Member Posts: 640 ★★
    Everyone got that message. Kabam though, rarely enforces the account sharing rules. All the bans I hear are cases of people buying units from 3rd party sites or using modded software/emulators, not due to incidents of account sharing.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,967 ★★★★★

    DNA3000 said:

    News flash. Your news flash is not news.

    aprrarently it is, since they sent us and ingame message to remind us, account doing stuff to your account
    They sent a Message to remind ALL people that selling and transferring Accounts is against TOS. Just the same as any other Account Sharing is against TOS. You're stating that you've done it on many occasions, but that doesn't change the fact that it is against TOS. Neither do the other violations you've listed. You could do it 1000 times and not get nabbed for it, and it would still be against TOS. No amount of people doing it will make it allowed. If and when they hold people responsible for it, it will still be against TOS.
    lol they reminded us BECAUSE OF 1 ACCOUNT,

    like i stated in my post,
    "ALSO a particular top account goes on sale"

    there are picture a picture of a certain "account" being sold around chatrooms, a certain top account in the game is being sold,


    the fact they are "randomly" reminding u about accounts now, is because of that 1 account.
    They are reminding us because it is against the rules. If you have knowledge of it happening, you can just as easily send a Support Ticket and be a part of the solution, rather than turn a blind eye. Pointing out that it goes on here isn't helping anything. We're aware it's a problem.
    Whether they sent the Message because of one Account or many, it's still against the rules.
  • ContestOfNoobsContestOfNoobs Member Posts: 2,130 ★★★★★

    Everyone got that message. Kabam though, rarely enforces the account sharing rules. All the bans I hear are cases of people buying units from 3rd party sites or using modded software/emulators, not due to incidents of account sharing.

    if they banned this certain "account" for being sold to someone,

    then all accounts who was sold should be banned aswel,

    Real Life example,
    I even stated someone bought an accounts with 40+ 6* yet hasnt been banned.

    but this account is well known, and they made this message for everyone just because of that 1 account.
    Buying/Selling have been going on for years without any negative consequences from Kabam..

    Kabam won’t do anything about it unless someone reports the account with proof to back it up. the proof was that this account has been well known with certain champ on the profile.

    There was an advertisement for the account be sold off,

    Yes there are black market for MCOC
    like i STATED, fraud units, mercs, you name it, services like these exist.

    But,the advertisement has been recycled through chatrooms and eventually it lead to kabam finding out.
    other small accounts, noone nor kabam, doesnt care.

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  • MagrailothosMagrailothos Member Posts: 6,198 ★★★★★
    I've been looking out for a thread like this! Was thinking of starting a 'did Kabam send us a warning? thread'.

    I'm UK-based, but holidaying in the States right now; and was slightly worried that someone was mis-interpreting the data they were getting. I figured that I would have been able to sort it out with screenshots of my flight tickets if necessary!
  • ContestOfNoobsContestOfNoobs Member Posts: 2,130 ★★★★★

    Ah, okay. After deciphering some of what you said, you seem to be mad that kabam doesn't... punish.... people... they don't even... know about?

    Nah, still lost.

    This is one convoluted mess right here.

    i suggest u look up

    "My 8 year old nephew"

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