The serious issue with Map 7 Crystals.

2 weeks of Map 7 x 5 times a week in all 3 battlegroups.
Over 1 Million Gold, 100,000 Battle Chips & Loyalty in Donations.
44 Map 7 Crystals - ZERO Tier 5 Basic Fragments. Less T2A than what is dropped in the equal amount of Map 6 crystals.
I'm not even close to the only person in my alliance this is consistently happening to. In fact, it happened to the majority.
Even mass openings on youtube yield similar results.
Kabam, you want to charge a ludicrous amount in donations for this bugged AQ map? Fine.
But make it worth it. Fix these crystals.
Over 1 Million Gold, 100,000 Battle Chips & Loyalty in Donations.
44 Map 7 Crystals - ZERO Tier 5 Basic Fragments. Less T2A than what is dropped in the equal amount of Map 6 crystals.
I'm not even close to the only person in my alliance this is consistently happening to. In fact, it happened to the majority.
Even mass openings on youtube yield similar results.
Kabam, you want to charge a ludicrous amount in donations for this bugged AQ map? Fine.
But make it worth it. Fix these crystals.