Rebalancing in Alliance War [Edited by mod for clarity]

How can we stop this from happening. It's not right to the higher alliance or the lower alliance. I understand war rating is the only thing that is used to determine your opponent for war. With that said alliance rating should also come into play as well. Neither alliance gets any benefit out of this. This I know has been brought up many times yet nothing has been done to solve this issue.
Post edited by Kabam Pertinax on
And it also bugs me when we go up against a team in the under 150000 range it's just no fun and feel like a bully
It always comes down to how many active players can get to and kill the bosses. Everything after that is relatively insignificant in my experience. Just my two sense.
That would help also same idea as total alliance rating , But your way might even be better. Or more fair it would take the number of members in an alliance out of the picture
It will still have 0 war rating.
There has to be a more fair way. The trouble is there are always the chumps that want max stuff for min effort , ( What ever happened to earning your stuff the right way , ) they will always find a way to cheat the rules. Instead of being grown ups and not taking the losses way up to the top