Comboing into a Heavy Attack with Wasp [Title edited for clarity]

I noticed that few times since the last update in arena and I didn’t gave it enough attention but today in AW I used wasp against Heimdall on node 41 (nothing special like stun immune on that node) and in couple of my 2-3 hits combo follow with heavy the heavy didn’t stun him and I got countered. It worked few time in the same fight but the two that failed was enough to die.
Am I missing anything with wasp/Heimdall interaction or is it a bug?
iPhone X
iOS 12.4.1
Am I missing anything with wasp/Heimdall interaction or is it a bug?
iPhone X
iOS 12.4.1
Post edited by Kabam Zibiit on
Maybe a timing issue
But yeah I'd say it's probs a timing issue. I have half a feeling it might be a carry-on problem as a result of the fix to She-Hulk. Maybe just extend the amount of time your character has to wait between a combo hit and a heavy. That'd explain why Wasp is doing what she's doing; the timing being so tight that it's no longer anywhere near consistent.
They are trying to fix the 100% heavies issue of other champs and by doing that they broke someone that should be able to 100% land heavy by definition.
She rely on her heavies a lot. Can’t use her without heavies.
Hope for a fix soon before AW season start.
Side note: the last update made a huge mess. So many bugs found and not a lot of response from the team.
Can’t track what is under Investigation, what is confirmed, what is not bug etc.
First combo-heavy worked
Second combo-heavy didn’t
But I am strongly suspicious ...
Nice thing to know though. Thanks for pointing that out.
You were charging the heavy immediately after that first hit in both cases, right?
You can see the heavy animation start but without triggering the passive stun
@NightMonkey Yeah, I know about the stun immune / debuff immune interaction. This is why I show in the beginning of the video that there is no stun immune node or any other node.
I used her a lot, especially last month in the sinister lab against the “this defender get 200% damage under the effect of stun” and she worked perfectly until the last update.
I have a bad feeling that is going to be one of these bugs that kabam keep ignoring.
dang... this whole she-hulk fix thing is breaking the game, isn't it? Why couldn't they just give her a new two-hit heavy or something?
She doesn't stun the opponent sometimes..
whatcing the video: the first heavy was correctly chained to a combo sequence starting with 2 basic attacks.
the second Heavy was chained to a single basic attack. a single basic attack is not considered a combo I presume.
So, in order to speak of a combo the minimum basic attacks before the heavy, should be 2, not just one. AND no more then 4 basic attack can be done in order to have the desired effect (5 basic attacks are considered a full finished combo so the heavy is not chained to a combo).
Device OS: iOS 10.(newest)
Cellular or WiFi: Wifi
Game Version Installed: 24.2.1
Game Mode: Story quests. Have not tested in alliance gamemodes or arena due to the impact of this bug (getting comboed more often than usual)
Champions Affected: Wasp. Mine is at 4/40, sig ~40 (but sig level shouldn't matter)
Active Boosts: None, but those shouldn't have an impact
Description of the Issue: Wasp is supposed to inflict a Passive Stun when she charges a heavy attack in the middle of her combo. This effect does not trigger consistently as of v24.2, leading to the opponent being able to punish my heavy attack. (I have a feeling that this MIGHT be a result of the fix for She-Hulk and other champs who could heavy from their combo. see some of my above contributions to this forum thread to see my theory)
also thankyou for finally responding to this thread. It's great to know officially that you guys know about it and are looking into it now. (also please make a bug board so we can see what bugs are being worked on and stuff of that nature...)
ios: 11.4.1
latest game version
no boosts
game node: every mode available vs any defender
issue: passive stun does not stun. icon shows up but defending champ does not receive a stun. i attack mllh or lllh. the issue happens either way. defender either backs away from the heavy attack or intercepts it. when issue happens i take significant damage each time from the defender and lose at least a quarter of wasps health.
i rely on wasp heavily for her synergies with my other hero’s and use her in every lineup. i’ve been forced to use unnecessary potions in wars and quests because of this bug to finish my lines.
but I've never seen that problem. Did she shrink both times before her first hit, or was the second 'shrink' between the two hits of her heavy?
and yeah a video of that behaviour would be very helpful.
Additionally, please keep in mind that this thread is for those who believe they are having trouble transitioning from a regular combo into a heavy attack. If you have separate issues to report, they'll need to be in a separate thread.