Community Choice Boss Rush Challenge 2

Are you ready to take on the next iteration of the Community Choice Boss Rush? We asked some of the Contest of Champions Content Creators and Community Contributors to choose 6 encounters for a brand new Boss Rush Challenge.
The Creators chose a Champion and a couple buffs. They then received some feedback on their encounters, adjusted their encounter, tested their fight, adjusted again, and are now ready to share their work with you! Some chose to go for interesting combinations that rewards aggressive play, while others took it upon themselves to come up with something that requires deeper thought!
The order of the fights, health pools, etc. were decided by our Quest Design team, and not by the creators.
Boss Rush Challenges are always different, and the difficulty level will vary from challenge to challenge, but they are still not meant to be conquered by everyone. They are meant to be difficult, and are meant to challenge your knowledge of your Champion roster, and your skill! Many will try, and many will fail!
The Fights you'll be Facing:
Symbiote Supreme, chosen and buffed by Lagacy - Watch his video here.
Quake, chosen and buffed by Dorky Diggedy Dave - Watch his video here.
Invisible Woman, chosen and buffed by DNA3000 - Read his Writeup on the encounter here.
Domino, chosen and buffed by The UMCOC Podcast
King Groot, chosen and buffed by Rich The Man - Watch his video here.
Taskmaster, chosen and buffed by Omega and Starfighter
The Rewards:
For completing the Boss Rush, you will earn:
10,000x 5-Star Shards
1 of 6 Titles, crafted to celebrate each of our contributors (You can earn this reward multiple times, so completing it 6 times will let you collect all of the Titles)
- The Diggedy Dork
- The Unofficial
- The Mega Star
- The Invisible DNA
- The Supreme Lagacy
- The Man
The Boss Rush will be available from Sept 18th at 10am PT - October 2nd at 10am PT. We'll be updating this thread over the weeks with content the participants create on their fights, so if you're having trouble on a certain fight, make sure that you come back to check out some tips and tricks!
NOTE: Any hostility, or rude behaviour towards any of the participants will not be tolerated, and can result in actions taken against your account.
Post edited by Kabam Miike on
Glad to see you're addressing the **** that dave had to put up with last time
In any case! Can’t wait to do this!
First, I want to say that I am so proud of our creators, and that they have some really creative minds! Watching them go back and forth, discussing the intention of their Buffs and how they think it could make for a cool fight was really interesting.
After our creators chose their Champions and their buffs, we let them try it out. A couple of them came back to us right away saying that their own fights were too difficult, so we worked with some of them on some possible solutions, while others already had some in mind. They only had one shot to get this right though! Because of the short timeline, any changes we made could not be changed again.
I’ll let Dave and Dragon speak to those changes, and apologize to Lagacy, because we couldn’t fulfill his change in the limited time we had to make it.
Lastly, our Creators gave us feedback on the rewards in relation to the difficulty. They felt the rewards didn’t reflect the difficulty, and after some discussion we agreed. While they didn’t get to decide what rewards we chose in the end, they did think that this is better suited to the challenge.
Also, I want to give a special shout out to DNA 3000. He’s a Forum Guardian, and this post right here was something I really enjoyed, and why I thought he’d be a great addition to the Boss Rush.
PS. Ask Dave how the addition of Spite is meant to make his encounter easier. It’s clever.
I know not everything has to be made for end game players but I would have liked more of a challenge for some better rewards.
Can you guys not even release 6 fights without any bugs?
Not trying to offend, just would like to know your capabilities for future expectations.
Every time invis woman gains a bar of power you gain one, her specials power drains you.
HOWEVER, invisible woman you can push right to three bars of power without her using a special and you will stay at 1 bar
Don’t jump to conclusions and be smart
@Kabam Miike